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This was notbad

This was cool, the black and white style was neat with the bit of red, it would be interesting to have more colors but thats just my opinion, anyways nice job here, i look forward to more of your work

Nice work


Wajaholic responds:

Most noir comics only realy consist of Black, White and Red so thats why i chose to stick to the those colours. Thanks for the feedback!


Notbad on this one and if you did the coloring its cool, the dark purple is ok but i wouldnt mind seeing this character more like an avatar color, but it does look pretty good, the smoke backround seems like it could be shaded abit better i thought

Nice work here


Sangasan responds:

ugh, I seem to be plagued with 7/10s... ah well thank you


This was differant, the colors are not crazy but have a bland feel but seems like most of your art works has it and its kinda neat that way very light but with this particular one you have him in a out there pose hehe anyways nice job

Nice and light style


Rutger responds:

thanks man, colors are cool.

Nice work

This was nice, love how it has that old style feel and with red and blacks it really looks the part a nice job if i say so myself

I liked this


Love the glow

I like this picture i especially the glow behind the creature, i think there should be more backround to it but thats just me, maybe also show some other creatures in there that might make for more of a story telling pic

Anyways good luck


DJDragonwolf responds:

Thanks~ :D

Hmm. . Good idea~! c:

Thanks again~

Wow nice

Im giving a 10 on this because it seems perfectly balanced and the orbs were awsome along with a nice backround, onlything i didnt like was the movie reel but all in all its one of my faves now very welldone

Make more like this very awsome stuff


Manuel-Dangelo responds:

thanks you very much, I'll keep the hard work up


Hehe this was cute, a nice balanced color, and you showed alittle storry to it wich is nice maybe something more in the backround should be going on but its really neat sofar

I look forward to more stuff in the near future


This was funny

Well this was funny, and cute i love the text bubble there as for the art it was decent, i like the use of detail and such, you should make more of these like in a comic like series or something

Make more like in a comic style


this was differant

I like it. But it was something differant. It seems like it was not finished. The backgrounds are lacking but other then that it was decent

Needs a bit more


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