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OK so this was abit differant from alot of stuff, so my take on it was i really liked it and like all the use of color, you really have it splash out in a very good way here so that was possitve, Thispiece also has some meaning with the words and the whole feeling it gives off of being crished by someone maybe, not sure but it does tell a lil story and that just makes it even better, now to make things better maybe you could darken up the heart more redish and more dripping below, but thats just me, for the most part of this this was pretty good, anyways keep up the awsome work.

More redish color could be used, and more dripping below.

Flashmovieboy responds:

Thanks a lot for such a detailed and constructive review ! I appreciate this :)

Before having a girlfriend, I thought that loneliness is the worst pain ever to exist in the world. But after a relationship with her, I learned that while loneliness is a pain comparable with being hit by a wooden plank. It hurts, but doesn't leave a scar. The pain of a break-up, however, is like getting spear of steel impaled through your heart. Not only does it hurt, but for a while, makes me unable to love anybody the way I loved my ex.
Thanks for the advice, although I wanted to avoid using too much red, I'll keep this on mind.

Hmmm this is notbad i kinda like this one actually i love how you have the eyes so big and large and in your face, they do have a glare or shine too them that seems abit too much but for the mostpart it was still ok. also you should think about giving it some sorta backrounds, maybe some other dogs in the distance or some dug up holes as dogs like to do and such, but anyways this was a pretty good art piece i thought, i hope to see more of your work soon, keep it up.

I would suggest a less glare on the eyes and some sort of backrounds would be nice,

Wow so this one caught my eye this morning. All the tethers in the back are pretty nice would have been nice if You had given them more color. Though. And maybe even have the eyes more open. But I must say this was pretty impressive from the get go. So nice work I was really impressed

And as for improvmens a touch more of color would be nice maybe with the testers behind her just something. That shows differant the testers with more focus


Ok so this was kind of nifty here I love all the lighting and darkness of it. Maybe there should. Be more lighting effects with the moon lighting the water but don't darken the sail boat anymore then it is. Lighting effects can go a long way. Just a thought. But other then that I really liked this. The drawing and character cameout pretty well.

So as mentioned above some more lighting effects would be nice but for what it is this was pretty good already.


ZombieMonkey responds:

Thanks for your advice! :D

To tell you the truth, this was really my first attempt at doing this kind of lighting in a piece. I'm still nowhere near being good at it and I appreciate all the help I can get in improving upon it. :D

Now this was something. Differant. I am really loving the glow you gave the guys body it really stands out and as making that even better I would give it an even more glow. All the colors are sharp and fresh on this piece. The characters are well drawn so awesome job. Maybe a lil more detail in background next time but other then that this was pretty nifty

As for improvement. Points. Some extra glow. And also some extra detail in the bacriunds. Anyways great job here


Now this was awesome. The detail alone. Is good enough for me but you really did push For alot on this and it really shows so nice job there. I'm all about color so would be nice to have some color on this maybe even a touch of color like on the tip of his horns or even the shine on the horns but something. That brings some color.

So this doesn't need much improving but a touch of color here and there would be nice. Anyways nice job all around


Very beatifull the color and texature blends so well on this. And I absolutely love the. Shading on the ground with a white bacriund accents very well. So nice effort there. As for improvements you could make a another cat in the distance. Anyways nice work here. Its very nice

As mentioned great work here could throw another cat in the distance


akoRn responds:

ty for the great comment

Nifty chracters here

Calypsos are pretty cool, i like the variation you have on these, they are pretty impressive, i love the amount of detail you put into these, very nice indeed, all the details hair and facial features are neat even cute at sometimes, so awsome job on this, even some nice backround design that seemed to blend in very well, anyways you have a great piece her lots of nice color and good design on these calypso types very nice indeed. keep up the good work.

So as for improving on this im not sure all the little characters are pretty right on, theres no real visual errors that could come from them or this piece, great job.

Artistic, and colorful

This one was very cute i like the girl she brings life too this piece and makes it pleasent too see, also love all the amounts of color and such, all the little touches here and there with the stars, and even the goldish backround design seemed to be neat, wish it was more "BLENDED" in though, but really other then that this was pretty good art and colorfull. as for improving not sure, maybe as suggested already, more blending of the backround design with everything else, anyways great job, look forward to more of you great work,

Everything was pretty good with this, wouldnt mind some blending of the backround design abit more, anyways nice work here

sucho responds:

when you say blending i assume you mean integrating the harsh edges of the grey hair outline/ shoulder cutoff? i know what you mean. thats due to the fact that i tend to think up stuff one layer at a time and i rarely have the entire piece envisioned when i start. i realize thats pretty unprofessional and i've gotten really accustomed (read: lazy) to the sort of scrapbooking/collage design. i just dont think i'm clever enough to work everything together and i'm OCD about edges.

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