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wow i really love this one, must have took you awhile to get each character in place and such, now i must say this had some of the most vibrant colors and all, it really pushed the colors so very impressed with that, even the lighting colors came alive aswell making the whole world come alive aswell, so awsome job on this one all around, very well detailed, i love the creativity on this with all the differant reatures and such, awsome job regardless, keep up the awsome work.

Just make the whole canvas larger with more too see more detail and more of the great use of color.

sucho responds:

rofl, larger canvas.... it was hard enough with the size as it is. but again - there is an excuse for that. this was designed for the NG calendar contest and so i knew if this was ever printed it'd only be around 8.5x11 inches so i knew a TONNE of detail would be lost if i scaled things down and made the characters too tiny. granted thats probably my selfishness to see hogstrong's biceps as big and glorious as possible factoring in too.

Love it

Wow i saw this on the art portal and said wow i love this so i added it as one of my faves, the hair color and linework on the hair is so very impressive the girl is great looking, is it after a real person? if so great job, the backround was notbad, allthough seems like the backround could use more depth, but i understand you dont want to take away from the main drawing of the girl, but the "BLUE" is working for this piece very well, so nice job there, anyways great job as for suggestion just a tiney bit more detail in the backround.

As mentioned, some more depth in the backround, but for the mostpart this was pretty good.

Ukki responds:

Thank you very much :-)

Pretty decent

A nice piece of art here, i love how you blended a sorta black and white characters into a colored backround that was neat, The characters are well drawn, and look really good with the color behind them and all, that was a nice touch, i did think that the colors culd have been brighter and even more focused on at times, but for the most part this was a good piece of art and really enjoyed it, some more blood style splatters wouldnt hurt either, anyways keep up the awsome work.

so it was a pretty good piece could use more color focus, and even some details like some more blood splatter and such, other then that this was pretty good.

Pretty good stuff

OK so this was neat and cool the whole The Shining refreance was another cool idea, the mix of spongebob and the shinning was nice of an idea, you should do more of these movie cross-overs it was pretty good i thought, so good job there indeed, the likeness too jack was uncanny too :) so another good idea there, the whole piece was pretty good i thought, maybe a bigger backround area too show more of the door and all would have been a plus, other then that this was cool. anyways nice job here it was good stuff.

So while this was pretty good i thought, maybe a larger canvas in the backround too show more of the backround, also would allow more room for detail there aswell.


Very nice indeed, this was some nice "ART" i especially love the colors used, and using differant amounts of color aswell didnt hurt and only made this much better and made me really enjoy this piece, some effects could be used maybe have the "CIG" light up more, or even some smoke comming from it, for the mostpart this was a very sharp and fantastic piece, for me the color was perfect and the drawing was welldone, so anyways awsome job, this will become my fave now, anyways keep up the good work.

So as mentioned some light effects for improving like the cig light up more or even some faint smoke comming from it, everything else seemed perfect and i was generally pleased with, anyways great stuff here, keep it up.


This is my fave from you out of all your designs, love the color, very good blends on these colors, The purple is pretty bright and really shines through here it seems and i like the lights and dark shadings so again good with the lighting effects especially with the center focus area, some deep colors turnedout great, so awsome job on all these i was impressd, hope to see more of these in the future, anyways nice job indeed, keep up thegood work.

So this was all pretty good nice color, nice design and great shading or in other words some nice lighting effects, so if anything will be improved i suggest larger view screen, maybe even more random colors but even with what you have it is pretty good.

LadyJava responds:


Pretty good

Wow i can really see how on these latest ones you really pushed the limits with a combo of colors and design to it, mixing in more combo of colors aswell was a nice touch all together, the mixes these designs bring are pretty amazing and catch your attention, so on those aspects with color and design you do well here, the lighting effects in this one was ok but again coould use some more and some sparkle to it, but anyways aagin i found your work including this one neat and artistic, nice job.

Great work as always, nice color tone and decent design, but as for some improvments, make the design larger, add more brightness, but other then that this was awsome.

LadyJava responds:

Thankies old friend Wayne.

Decent again

And another cool design you have here i love the gold feel of it all, that was pretty impressive, i think in this one it lacked the lighting effects that you did well with the other past designs, but must say this was still pretty good, and i liked how there was more effort on this, mostly as just said with some more lighting effects and what not, and again i think these types of designs need more of a larger canvas as i have said in a few of them now, but still i enjoyed these and thy are all pretty impressive so keep up the decent work.

So while this was pretty nifty as a design, it did lack in a few areas, such as more lighting effects, and probably a larger canvas sise, but you been hearing that from me.

LadyJava responds:


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