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This was decent

Wow this one cameout even better then the last one, as it has more of the effects but with the use of white colors here you really made some nice design here, i wouldnt mind seeing some more of the spiky feel you gave this maybe even adding some more of the redish color on the outer edges, thats just my opinion though, it was pretty neat, so for some slight improvments, some more spiky stuff more redish color around the edges, anyways nice job. keep up the awsome designs they are pretty nifty.

some m,ore spiky stuff more redish color around the edges, also like one of your other designs give it a bigger canvas for more of the design to shine, but with all that, this was pretty nifty.

LadyJava responds:


Its notbad

So this was notbad, i love the colors used in this one, you really pushed the oranges and such on this and the lighting effects are pretty good i thought, really brought out the effects and colors so nice job there, a few things could make it better like making the canvas bigger, allowing more detail for everything else and more of that neat effects you been pushing in these types, anyways nice job all around, i look forward to seeing more.

So while this was pretty cool with lighting effects and what not, it could be set on a larger canvas and what not other then that this was neat stuff.

LadyJava responds:


Pretty good stuff here

Wow this was very nice and it was unique at the sametime, the little color was ok, it gave into the imagination of the drawings and the bodies yet still seeing so much, no it would be nice to have abit more toch of blood even other random colors since there is a random feel in this all, the backround even cameout alright, all pretty good stuff here and a good drawing i enjoyed it all, and was welldone, so nice work and i hope to see more of your work soon. as for improvments some touch up s of extra color here and there.

Could use more colors, more random touches, but it was pretty good for the mostpart.


ok so this was notbad, i like the in your face kinda theme here, the backround was somewhat bland though and since its vampire related, you could have had some blood dripping in the backround, or just go with some fainted picture of blood but something that was related to the main art piece, the character does have a strong anime feel so you did get in toch there and that was retty neat, so nice job on that and it was actually pretty good drawing, anyways keep up good work.

So the backround was lacking, and could use something, more, the rest was good anime style and very sharp in design, nice job all around.

linda-mota responds:

Oh gosh I loathe looking at this picture. It's true it needs a background. This is a very dated drawing with dated inking/coloring. I will more than likely redraw this with a lovely background. Honestly I don't know why this piece is popular. It's terrible and the perspective is a wee bit off. But that you for the improvement tips. They're super appreciated.

I love this and the creativity

So i saw your piece on the art forums and wanted to give it a propper review, now this caught my attention mostly for the "CREATIVITY" of it all, the darkness and the mystery of all that is happening of creatures and little moon type men was all the creativeness of it aswell, now with the darkness it could also allow for some nice "LIGHTING-EFFECTS" such as the backround maybe a star, or even some distant creature but i understand you had your ideas already set, but anyways it was a pleasure seeing this it will be one of my faves now, awsome job.

Great creatuvity with this as i just mentioned as for some tips of more of that creativity some lighting effects seem like they would work great also as suggested above.

Love the color theme

I love the color use on all this, respecially using some color in the name in the backround, so in this cse the "TITTLE" fits very well on this piece, and while its red colored based, theme was pretty awsome you didnt over do it either, now i can see where this could be slightly better even i thought, such as with his big sword you should have it dripping with blood onto the ground that would have been a nice extra use of the red color aswell, but anyways great piece here and again the tittle fits so perfectly with this one, keep up the great work.

I suggested some red blood dripping but other then that this was pretty good stuff.

dommi-fresh responds:

man you sure love that blood don'tcha thanks all the same

Notbad at all

Hmm well i must say these are differant and nice sketches, i guess you are going with the black and white style, would be really nice with some "COLOR" in the mix though, its really nice and detailed, even a splash of color here and there wouldnt hurt, or instead of the sketches why not just add some sorta comic style so that you have it in frames somehow, its a good drawing and good detail, the black and white is cool but could be better with some color mixed in.

Some suggestion of color, and even comic style would work on this

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