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The whole mushroom idea was pretty nifty, very interesting, i like the colors kinda like mario brothers, but you gave it a unique face and trunk look, and the backrounds were ok, but seems like you could have gone with something else there, and some more "TEXTURE" could have been on the trunk and mushroom head itself, just a few ideas there would be nice, other then that this was simple but still a nice piece here, anyways good luck on anything new you may be working on.

So first of all its a nice peicem nice use of color, could use more texture on the mushroom head, and maybe a differant design in the backround.

Very Impressive Drawing

This was very nice work, and you captured it exactly as i have seen it in my travels across the country so this one i was pretty impressed with, the onlything i wish you would implement would be to add some "COLOR" its not needed, but could capture more of the detail in color, but regardless this was pretty fantastic, i love how you captured it from bottom view and not a top view but either way would be fine, anyways nice work here very nice drawing.

maybe a touch of color or even have some human people walking around, and if no color some darker tones here and there.

Cool Creature

This was interesting, a blue little creature, kinda looks all bandaged up and such, a few things i noticed here was that you had a blue backround same colortone as the creature himself, maybe a more darker backround would have allowed more focus to the creature, and some other effects to give the creature some mystery would also be nice touch ups.but other then that this was actually notbad. keep up the good work.

a more darker backround would have allowed more focus to the creature, and some other effects to give the creature some mystery would also be nice touch ups.

Simple yet amusing

This was kind of simple and amusing, nice shades though, the colors were kind of simple, but you did have some effort in color, and the slug was kinda silly, kinda neat though, its colorfull, but maybe it needed some more shades and more blending of colors, very amusing in anycase though, so with that said its simple yet amusing so nice job on this one and nice effort, hope to see more like this real soon. untill then keep at it.

A funny looking slug, i thought it could have used some more texture and blending of color but its also ok as is, anyways nice job.

Love the color use on this

Wow this was pretty intense, and the "PURPLE" really stands out on this so with the vibrant colors really push out and thats what i liked most about this, so this creature of the week was pretty good, now i think you could have added a better shine or lighting effect on the black roundish spots more, especialy since he was having light come from above, by the way the backrounds cameout pretty good aswell, so anyways nice job on this all the way around, i really liked the use of color and design on this one. untill next time good luck.

So we have another creature contest thing, these are always fun, i think you could have added a better shine or lighting effect on the black roundish spots more, especialy since he was having light come from above.

This was neat mostly cause i play this game alot, i did think you could have had a differant color backround, But everything else was pretty good, i like how you have a smile on the one with the helmet lol that was cute, The quote was pretty good aswell, would have been funny if there was more of that, but overall this was pretty good and funny, as for making better as suggested maybe some colored backround and even more quotes, and last but not least maybe some more shine on the crown like a sparkle or something, but anyways this was a decent art piece i was glad to have seen it and hope to see more of your work, soon.

Well as suggested above some sparkle or shine on the crown, some colored backround, and maybe but not needed, some extra quotes.

So this one is abit older but still has some good quality to it, kinda wacky but there is some sorta story there, it almost has a Comic style to it, all the text and fonts was pretty cool, i think the one thing i didnt like was all the pinkish in the backround it was blending too much with the two main characters, but still besides that it was pretty good if you ask me, and as a last resort of improvment maybe some sorta borders around the edges, just something to try and think about but besides all that this was still pretty good if you ask me, anyways nice job.

Some borders would be nice and maybe besides the pink in the backround you could throw in another non blending color there

Haha so this one was really good there so much to see and you added lots of personality especially with all the differant cats and such and some humor aswell like the dog that has a cat face sign lol that gave me a chuckle, I think it could be improved maybe with some sorta backround or even solid base color but something would be nice back there, might even be cool if you added some more cats in the distance maybe even some more dogs or something but again does need something more, but anyways this was pretty fantastic, you should make more like this, for now keep up the good work.

Well as stated above > some sorta backround or even solid base color but something would be nice back there, might even be cool if you added some more cats in the distance maybe even some more dogs or something, anyways good luck.

Zolah responds:

Thank you for your reply!

Yeah the dog was a 'spy' reference, Thougth it would be funny :) I seldom get a chance to do something like this. I shall defenetivly go to more Cons in the future xD my geekbar gets raised to the maximum and bad jokes just falls from the sky!

I made it like this so i could print it on t-shirts and such later on, so think of it as a 'invisible area' xD But sure, I will think about what youve said for my next picture, I could just change so I have two different ones if I want to use it as a print. One more detailed and one with less wich would be better suited as a print :) I also noticed that the colouring was way off, on the laptop they werent this colour and I think i will from now on only paint on my stationairy :/ wasnt meant that some of them would get an odd colour tint :/

Thanks once again!

This was vert beatifull, i love the soft touch and feel to this it was soothing to see very peacfull colors and shadings you gave it that real old feel wich was nice, now as for the backround that could have been better though, maybe someold style design or city drop or just something in the distant, but really other then that this was pretty good if you ask me, and i do hope to see more of your work as this was pretty good and has a nice touch too it, anyways keep up the fantastic art pieces cant wait for more from you, untill then good luck.

I suggested some work on the backround but to be honest it was ok just as is.

Well this was pretty cute, it was very simple i like the simple-ness of it, it would be nice tp see more in the backround but in a way it was also ok with what you had alsoso nice job there, maybe adding more texture in the skin tone and even the x you had in the backround, but some more color blending would be nice, The quote text at top of his head was pretty funny and amusing, as for the whole creation and design, so i stated some improvment ideas, hope it helps, good luck on anything else you have planned aswell, i look forward to seeing more from you, anyways for now keep up the good work.

more texture with in the skin tone and such, also could use something more in the backround as that was abit bland,

Leigh responds:

Yeah sure thanks.

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