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Love the color theme here

That was pretty nifty if you ask me, love the color theme, wouldnt exactly call it "TWO-TONE" because of the extra color but guess its in thesame type of symbol and such, the colors are great and comeout well this is nothing fancy but more simple and thats what jumps out at me on this is that its simple yet complex with the color and character, so you gave it a nice fresh style and thats what i really enjoyed about this, besides that i was really glad to have seen this, and all i can really saynow is keep up the greatwork, and look forward to seeing much more from you.

So this has everything it can, and you dont want to detail it or add effects since the simple is really working here.

Nice and simple

The idea here wa spretty simple and nice, the brian in a dome was another neat idea, this could use a few things and some ideas might to make the "FEET" bigger they seemed aout of place somehow, and adding some shine in differant places would also be nice, like on the"DOME" covoring the brain then on more metal parts of the armor, as for the backrounds that was pretty neat kinda simple maybe giving a more darker feel to that would also be a nice touch aswell, but anyways those ideas and tips could really help on this whole piece, but besides all tha, this was notbad at all, kind of simple but still pretty nifty.

A few things mentioned were, more shine on a few focus points including the dome over the brain, and the foot seemed off kinda small, and last but not least, but darken up the backround somehow abit more.


This was cool it has a very artistic feel to this, It has a very fancydesign like the ocal shape and then the drawings and such, The "SWORD" was cool thats something you can take into photoshop and give it a shine effect and that would be a nice focal point just something to think about and improve on, now the white backround was ok, but maybe you should also think about adding some "BORDERS" something that patches theoval circle design, But it was pretty neat and artistic, anyways keep, up the good work.

First of all add some shine on the sword that one tip, This was a pretty neat art piece, you should think about adding some Borders, you can even go all fancy and stuff with some design and color to them, or even related to the art piece and such, so its something to try and would bring more quality to the art piece. anyways nice work here.

Notbad with this one

So this was notbad it seems more like a sketch then anything else but it isnice its simple and subtle, could use more to it then, a few suggestions might be, something in the backround, some more fine lines ofcourse this is just the starting stage so i understand, and last but not least some color or a touch of color, a shine on the sword wouldnt hurt kind of like a sparkle of some sort, and another thing might be to amke the "CANVUS" larger in scale, would give a whole better look and allow for more detail all around here, so anyways a good sketch you have here would love to see some upgrades as suggested.

To start off i must say this was a pretty good art piece, it could use some work though so i have suggested some advice and idea that may help, but overall i liked what you had to offer, keep up the good work, Adding a touch of color to your art here wouldnt take away from the black and white style, but adding just a touch of red or blue, so dont fill the whole drawing with color, im just saying adding a touch here and there will ad abit to it without taking away from the main drawing. You could make a Larger Canvas so that you could ad much more stuff and beable to show off some fine detail that you may have not been able to before, on the size you do use, it makes for some better results on the art as a whole, but other then that i thought this was actually pretty good stuff.

Nice work

Wow this is really nice, i love the glow on the eyes here, it really accents the rest and brings off some more quality to the whole piece, now i would suggest more glow on the eyes, maybe even throw in some sparkle from it, just thought i would throw that out there, but for the most part it was pretty good, actually now that i think about it give the metal part of stuff, some "SHINE" and again some sparkles here and there just something to bring out the shinyness of this whole piece, but anyways this was pretty decent, keep up the good work.

My advice would be to add some more shiny and some more glow on the eyes, but regardless it was pretty decent.


Haha well i was not expecting this but i did think it was kind of cute, it has a nice and pinkish color so nice theme there, It kind of reminds me of Dolly parton with the whole hairdo and such, but anyways this was all pretty good even nice backrounds, and is, so as for improvments i think its just right if anything maybe add some nice fancy borders to go with the pink theme, but besides that this was pretty good and it was unique and in an ending note it was cute and silly, But anyways keep up the good work, hope to see more newre stuff from you soon.

Decent piece here, Try adding some nice fancy borders to go with the pink theme,


Ok so this was nifty kinda differant it almost has a sort of abstract kind of art style, I love how the colors blend into eachother, i can see you using some filters in the program while thats ok you want to try and use more natural styles and not crowd it with the art program filters, but its decent and as for improvments i suppose you can add more of a realistic feel to the apple like maybe some aged color tones and much more texture within it, as an idea you can even throw in a worm or something.

you can add more of a realistic feel to the apple like maybe some aged color tones and much more texture

Clown-Catcher responds:

Thank you.


This was very greenish and its decent for st patricks day, it was kinda small though so first thing i can say would be better is to make the canvus much larger then you can add differant designs of clovers and such, maybe make the backround green a much lighter version then you have, and this is one of those types that would really work, with some borders and you can make some really fancy one to really spice it up. anyways theres a few ideas there to try and let it shine from there.

As mentioned above i suggested a few ideas to make this much better like, Bigger canvus, more clover designs, lighter backround texture, and some fancy borders.

Needs more effort

Now this one was toosimple it was more cute then anything else, the sidewalk cameout ok and the trees were cute, the backround seemed almost too sloppy once again, so this is another one that needs a dash of quality, and theres a number of things you can do to fix ur up, more shades and texture in the trees and much better backrounds could also need some help, so put more effort and take your time with the drawings, anyways keep practing it gets better after time.

There are some quality issues but most of all the drawings need to be fine tuned and practice makes perfect.


Well this was colorfull but could be better, some of it seems kind of sloppy and the quality was slightly low so you may want to work on the quality more, maybe use a better art program, give the sun some lighting effects, and brighten up the rainbow aswell, these are all things that could make it have abit more quality, and while you are at it you can make the clouds more visable. nice job though and nice idea with the clover trees.

This one could use alot of work, with quality and more lighting effects and larger scale.

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