Haha cool
You have a really interesting piece of art here, it has some creative and artistic looks, and i really came to enjoy this and all that it was worth, so as i do start this review i look forward to every detail and curve made here. cool a lion same sign as mybirth year so thats always a fun thing to see, the "LION" cameout very good nice detail and even better linework, I also like the style you had here, it was fancy yet nifty so nice effort here, I think one issue and probably the only issue well maybe two issues. and that being one some touch of color maybe just a little part or prop on the drawing it will for sure bring some interesting focus to your piece making it more enjoyble with a touch of color. The other issue maybe you can make a larger "CANVUS" maybe even then allow for more detail, of other things and will allow for more fin elements and more detail as mentioned, so make a larger canvus. And with all all that said i will not bore you any longer and will wrap this up, but on my ending notes here i do have to say and comment thats this was a decent piece here interesting and even entriging, so keep up the good work and always make things better with as much effort as possible.
And here i willpost some ideas, maybe one maybe two maybe even a few more but whatever i do decide to suggest, they are only suggestions that could improve on this and even future works so use some use even one and imrprove on a decentpiece you already have here. so as mentioned in this review a larger canvus size would be one point of improving, and second some light touch of color on a certain area, like a tooth, or maybe the "EYES" something for the viewer to focus on.