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Wow i love this

This was great when i saw the thumbnail it kept wanting me to click on it it has such great color style, and just this great apeal to it, its very impressive, i wouldnt mind seeing some borders though, but its some awsome work you are going on my faves list, thanks for contributing such work

Add some borders of some kind.


zigan responds:

Ah, you mean like a frame? I think sometimes to do that for my work. Some people like it and some don't. It enlightens me someone thinks I should though, thanks for the great comment and 10! :)


This was notbad, i love the little "SPARKLE" on the sword i feel that you should have added more of that sparkle like on the helmet and shield, just my opinion though, the shadow seemed like it could be abit larger aswell, anyways good toon look here

Above i posted a few opinions that may or may not inspire your art here



Heh ok now this was interesting, makes you wanna see more of this, i cant help but want some color added in all this though, seems like color could spice it up and tell the story more, maybe one of them has like some blood stains or something

Can have some blood or just color all around


thies responds:

Thanks again :) I've got to admit some colours would be nice...

nice touch of color

A sock monkey notbad at all and really nice with just the lips colored. Not just that you had some good detail like the button. You should make a series of these anyways nice job

Decent piece. Could be the start of a series of these


i like it

Nice art here. Kinda scary the background really went well with the main character. And even the character was dark looking which I liked. Anyways keep up the good work

Improve on this with some lighter spots here and there


pingui responds:

thanx , yeah , the background was good i must say , glad you like'd it , and... yeah , thanx
memento mori

Very impressive i like

Now thats some awsome light kinda like some element that is attacking somehow, seems like you got everyline detailed and lighted up very nicely, i can see this easily used as a desktop or something, anyways keep up the good work

A good lighted up backround add some more differant colors or something other then the whites


Flash-Gamers responds:

Different colors; how about more shades of blue?!

Glad you actually enjoyed the pic, and didn't get sucked into the pic!


Heh well this one was crazy and abit bothersome on the eyes, but regardless of that you did use some good imagination on this, it must have been hard to put that together though, besides that maybe add some colors i would like to see some reds and oranges to bright this up

Colors could brighten this up and be looking more colorfull


thies responds:

Hey, that's not a bad idea. Some red and/or orange might make it look a little better :D

Thanks for the review

Could be larger

This was notbad and i really enjoyed the reds and purples but it seemed too small and the lettering was ok but seemed blurred at times, unless you did that on purpose well if anything can be improved on this it would be the "SIZE" of the whole art piece

Make the art piece much larger and add something more then just the text, well good luck on other art stuff


Flash-Gamers responds:

Thanks for the review!

Oh, I smudge my sig on purpose like I've done before in my other pieces.

Will see what I can do; Note to self MORE DETAILS!

But it's hard to do that, cuz sometimes it'll turn pic into a VERY BUSY illustration which would look bad to some, and confuse ppl on the concept of the illustration.

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