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Hmmm now this was differant it has some artistic style with all the colors and brush like stuff, i do like that there is a number of colors to really give that abstract type of feel, it shows lots of effort, i would really like to see where you can go further with this style

Maybe to improve add some borders so its like a true piece


thies responds:

Yeah I might make more drawings with this style, not sure.
I don't know about adding borders, don't know if it will really add something to the piece.

Thanks for reviewing!

I like it

I do like this one, the purple egg like shaped creature is differant, the backrounds could use some work as its kinda plain but it also works because you dont really want to take away from the alien atleast thats what i think it is. as i explained before you need to give more darker tones and shades to give it the darker fell. anyways good luck in future stuffs

Improve on darker shades and colors aswell as something with the backrounds


up-a-notch responds:

ok sure

Needs something

This was an ok alien but it needs abit more for one i think the aliens shape was abit off you should put abit more effort there and give it a more scary look, that would also mean make the backrounds darker and creeoier aswell

Anyways hope thhose tips will help you to improve


up-a-notch responds:

thanks man


Well this was notbad, the color was an odd choice, the desigm was interesting even cute at times, this is kinda simple but its nifty aswell, it seems like its lacking something i would slap some borders on there somehow

As stated i would put some borders with the darker green tint


thies responds:

Thanks. With borders you mean like thick outlines? yeah that could be nice :)

Nice emotion in this one

I like how you give the "SCENES" and characters good emotion so while its just a comic it still really comes alive and really works out, cant wait to see some more of these so keep doing them

Awsome art and characters, make more soon


Wow impressive

Now this was some impressive work and i can see why it took awhile aswell as getting front paged, there is somany things to see and see how theres lots of details all around, i could never get bored of this, wow just wow, awsome job, keep up the hard work

I would love to see more stuff like this with lots of details and little characters and such


love it

Now this is "EYE" catching heh no but really you really got something here allthough i think some red textures might make it look better somehow, but for the most of this its pretty awsome, make more soon

Add some darker texture maybe a red version or something


Nice dragon

I love dragons and this was one of my faves on here, love the texture and detail and you put some good focol points like the keys which was a nice touch, anyways keep up the awsome dragon making

This was brilliant hope to see more of your work soon


EchoRun responds:

Thank you. :)


Well this was notbad i like the snail design and even the colors were ok, like some of the shades were looking impressive, i think this. lacks some more stuff like maybe more stuff going on around the snail

Add more content in the backround here


notbad i like it

Nice colors used here. Especially with the orb thingy. This whole art piece has a Batman like tion to it all. Good background but needs more of a focus a focal point. Anyways nice job

Like above needs a focal point


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