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Decent in ink

Ok so this was the black and white version, notbad, you can actually see more of the "DETAIL" that you couldnt with the color version, i think with this one you should have atleast had some parts colored or just one piece like an eye or tongue, might show off that detail portion of some sort, but anyways this was pretty good, not a fan of black and white but it was pretty good otherwise. So add just a bit of color maybe one item of the drawing, anyways nice job.

So while its black and white thats cool, but adding just a touch of color not the whole drawing would be a plus.

Cute and funny

haha ok i found this one to be funny, now it was more cute then anything else, almost seems like you should have put up some sorta font or text something with humor, the art look neat, has a fresh and cute look, i like all the props, and even the moon looks pretty good, the stars could use more "SHINE" and bling to them though, but other then that this was a pretty good piece, kinda funny and cute though, so untill next time keep making these decent art pieces.

There could have been more stars, have some even in the distant, other then that this was pretty good.

Decent kinda artistic.

Very artistic with this one, i love how there were differant color bars comming across here and there over the face and such, that to me gave off the artsy feel and overall made it a more enjoyble piece, the actual drawing was very cool too but was not focused on due to the color bars but its the whole piece one must admire, and you presented a nice piece here and i rather enjoyed it very much so nice job on this one. i hope to see more like this style from you soon.

Im thinking if you lessen on the color bars you could have more focus on the actual drawing, but other then that this was pretty impressive.

Kinda dark but pretty cool

Wow this one was pretty dark, but the detail and texture was fantastic, but this is a great creature and you really brought it to life, now it is kinda hard to see some of the details because it is so dark, and could use some sorta blood "DRIPPING" from his mouth and or jaw, the other thing that lacked was the words "GISH" it seemed such plain of a font maybe you could style it up with a better looking font and even possibly shine it of with some lighting effects, might even go well with everything looking dark.

I mentioned some blood from the mouth and maybe even a better font something with some shine and lighting effects to it, besides that it was a decent art piece.


I really like the feel of this one, the red and white colors blend so well, and its almost like a "MOLD" Of some sort, the backround seemed to be cool aswell and also has that mold touch, you said you didnt like the "FACE" but i think it fit perfectly with everything else, so awsome job on this piece it has an artistic feel, any tips on improving, i might have had the backround, two differant color tones and not the same as the character so theres more focus on the character,

For more focus on the character there could be a differant color tone on the backrounds, even red and blue would work.

Decent but needs more

Ok so this one was rather "SIMPLE" not that, that is a bad thing but you could have put a little more effort in, possibly adding some "BACKROUNDS" would have helped aswell as making the canvas larger as it was just kinda small, also more texture and color in the aliens skintone wouldnt hurt eiether, so there were a few things just metioned that could have made this much better, more skin texture, some backrounds, better shading, and a larger canvas size, just a few things to think about, anyays it was notbad, kinda on the cute side.

A larger canvas so you can put more stuff in with more to see even the little details you cant see too much if it was on a smaller size, so forsure go with a larger canvas. but besides that more skin texture, some backrounds, better shading, etc.

Vibrant colors

Really nice and vibrant colors you have on this one, especially with the waterfall, the colors just jump out at you and thats what caught my attention, You even showed some good lighting effects where the light would hit, would have been nice to see some sun just above the rocks though, but regardless this was pretty neat very "VIBRANT" colors, fresh and sharp looking, maybe add a few more sparkle lighting effects aswell, but other then that this was a great piece of art.

Would be nice to see the "SUN" and its effects add a few more sparkle lighting effects aswell

another odd one from you

But this was pretty good its a start in the right direction so that was a plus, the pig skin was the right color and texture, and the backround accented it well, the whole canvus should be larger and you should think about adding some "BORDERS" it would really improve on this piece, adding some more time and effort to the texture aswell would be nice, and the font you chose was notbad but could be slightly better.

so as mentioned some borders would be nice, some more textuture and even some better font looking, but overall this was notbad at all.

Clown-Catcher responds:

Thank you


Well this is an odd piece, it does need more effort and seems more like you were just testing stuff, but its ok and i like the molding and blending of the colors in this one, you should have took more time, and put more effort and used more colors and such. the green is overwelming you should mix it up with differant colors and such. anyways this was ok but could be better as mentioned.

Some advice would be adding a mix of colors taking your time and really putting more effort fourth

Clown-Catcher responds:

Thank you

This was cute

Ok so this was cute, i like all the use of "COLORS" on this and all, and the drawings of the characters were pretty good and amusing, very detailed and you gave it a fresh look aswell, This had a cute look fresh and stylish and with that im thinking it could use some borders, that might complete it even better then what it is, some colorful bright and fancy borders would be great with this, besides that this was pretty good and i liked the color theme here, anyways good work, keep it up.

Add some nice borders something bright and color related something fancy, i think thats all this piece is really missing.

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