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This was pretty amazing the color alone was awsome not just because its my fave color but you really set this one up right, with the lighterpurples and pinks comming through, and the ice like pillars was a nice touch aswell,i think its perfectin its own right, i suppose if any improvment was to be made, you could add some more pillars around and in the distant, maybe some more blending in the sky aswell, but other then that this was pretty good and a fantasticview, hope to see more of your work soon, and i really liked what you did here, anyways nice job.

Some more ice pillars might be nice, and maybe some more blending with the sky

Wow Awsome indeed

So here i find myself loving this every detail and every ounce of color, i added this as my fave, so awsome job, here, now im one all for color and you really splashed this one with some great color, the drawing itself was amazing and there are not words for this one all i know is that this was fantastic i also like some of the sparkles and shines allthough this could use some more "SHINE" and more sparkles in other areas, the idea of this was great aswell, allthough its not halloween it was still pretty amazing so for this one you get my vote, brilliant job here, keep up the awsome work i love it.

What can i say this was already a fantastic piece, amazing from color to idea to the initial drawing, awsome stuff here, i love it.

xxanemia responds:

Thank you! I'm always told off for doing too much shine and sparkles haha...

This was odd yet amusing

Ok so not sure what to think on this one, its differant yet i found it to be amusing, i think this would be so much better with some or all "COLORED" maybe even just a portion like eyes, maybe a backround or even spots in the backround something along them lines, just something more with color, the face is actually kinda neat and has a good expression, just wouldnt ming seeing more too it as its somewhat simple, There was some sorta detail in the backround but could have used more i suppose, but anyways this was notbad keep up the decent work and effort.

So as suggested above maybe some added color and or even some backround detail, more of it atleast.

This was differant

Yeah i must say this was differant but i really like it, i love the randomness of it. allthough color would have been nice even if it was just in the backrounds or something, would have been a plus there, maybe even some sort of solid backround colored while keeping with the black and white backround something to think about in anycase this was pretty good unique and differant as i like, or if you dont want to color other parts maybe have the briefcase colored with the question mark glowing. But other then that this was pretty good i thought, keep up the good art pices here, i look forward to more..

First of all i love this very random and unique, color would have been nice even if it was just in the backrounds or something, would have been a plus there, maybe even some sort of solid backround colored while keeping with the black and white backround, or if you dont want to color other parts maybe have the briefcase colored with the question mark glowing. try some of these ideas it may help to bring it out more.

I like the differant views

So I like the differant views on this one like sad, smiling and screaming so nice job, there, i was not too fond of the black and white style though, could use more color or just a touch of color like just having the eyes are another spot in each frame with some sorta color would give that area more focus, and also maybe focusing more on the three differant emotions at the same time, just an idea, to make it better, but regardless you have a nice edea here with the emotions and such great drawing nice shades and good design here, keep it up.

Well as mentioned some touches of color wouldnt hurt and might help focus more on the emotion idea you started with.

Wow very nice

Wow this was pretty nice, it has a whole artistic feel of it all, and such i love how you used all sorts of colors and stuff, the amount of colors is amazing and how you blended and brought it all together, so nice job indeed, and great job on the "EYES" they are really looking at the viewer and i think its pretty neat how you made that come all together, so that was a plus there, great texture great use of color and really made this art piece just pop out at us so awsome job there and i look forward to seeing much more especially if its like this, anyways nice job.

So to be honest i liked this how it was i wouldnt touch a thing, its very well balanced and artistic, keep up the good work.

Nice drawing

Ok so this was a nice drawing reallyjumped out at me and has a nice style some great shading, wish there was more with the backrounds though but for the mostpart its a pretty good drawing, very good and fine detail, maybe add some sort of color and some sort of something in the backround, even some sort of colored backround somehow. but anyways everything was pretty good just add more too it as suggested some backrounds and a touch of color, but anyways decent work here and was glad i had a chance to check it out, keep up the good work.

Some light images in the distance, and a touch of color would be a plus, anyways keep up the nice work.

Nice design here

Very nice design here, everything is pretty good here, seems like you could have added some more "SHINE" with the medal and all, also maybe some of the lights could also have abit mmore glow aswell, and on his right hand almost seems like he should beholding asword or something, and not to be a sticklar, but maybe addinsg something in the backround would help also maybe some sci-fi world or other robots of some sort, just a thought here or there, but for the mostpart it was pretty neat and nice design, and very good effort here, anyways keep up the awsome work.

some suggestions were made above but for the mostpart it was pretty good, i suggested some more shine, more glow and maybe some more props.

A good design, very pro.

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