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Very awsome texture

Wow and another great piece here has a very life like feel and is scary, i know i wouldnt want to run into this guy you have outdone yourself on this one, the detail in this is very detailed and intense, awsome job by far

A fantastic job on coloring here and a wonderfull view of a great zombie


love this

Especially the deep greens on this you made a little story out of this, the little fairy i think its a fairy is also a nice touch here, this art might lokk more impressive with some sorta borders? anyways this was something kinda nice.

Good piece here wish it had borders


Syringes responds:

Whats funny is that originally in the description I wanted to put a story to it ^^ Thank you! And boreders actually may be a good idea Ill try it.

really nice piece here

Wow you really put something together that is not only sharp and brilliant looking g. But also love the smoothness of it all. Great focus poi t and a really nice view shot from the top

While I do like the smooth and clean look. It lacks battle and chaos. Something that any villain brings. So try and improve on that with some background blood or even dead bodies. Maybe even some war stains on venom himself


JackSmack responds:

I was kinda going for an iconic simple yet detailed mix. I thought about putting in a background but I didn't have time to do it justice and I didn't want to detract from the work I did on Venom if it wasn't a great addition.

wow impressive

Wow that was impressive. Love the detail mostly the green tone you gave him. The red here and there was a really nice touch. And also Luke the background. Anyways nice job here

Add some glowing eyes in the background for more of a. Scary feel in the backdrop


The-Worsley-Bear responds:

Thanks dude, glad you liked it. I left the background like that because it's for a flash collab, I'm not sure how it will be used so the blacks there to make it easier to blend with whatever comes before or after.

Very neat

This was some impressive art here this character kinda reminds me of yoda hehe, the coat or robe is neat could use some more detail in it maybe some ancient design or something might give it a more unique feel

Anyways nice art here hope to see more soon


Nice detail

Wow some nice detail all around here, and the color was very sharp and showed good, texture and you gave the character some action, which really showed that there was some story behind this all really nice work, i gave this a top score because it deserves it, nice job

To improve well its already perfect but if anything i would suggest some "BORDERS" of some kind give it like a poster feel


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