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Nice and dark

Sothis was interesting i love this for alot of things actually, starting with an overtop view great view there, the little "ANIMATIONS" was also a plus aswell, Then there is the actual drawings very fine work, nice detailing and nice use of shades and color, it all came together to make for one dark moment, so the effort does comeout in this and thats a plus, ithink the onlything that could make this better was that you could make the canvas or view screen area a much larger scale, something to think about anyways.

So there was alot of possitive stuff here the only improvment would be to show a larger scale canvus so maybe you can show more stuff or more of theworld you are creating, and allowsfor more detail to show off aswell.

BagamCadet responds:

Thanks you.
The original is a normal drawing without an animated smoke and flies, and is alot more larger.
I just made it smaller so that the animations would run smoothly.

Wow i love this one.

This was something neat here it was unique and differant, i really love random stuff like this because it really shows the creativity of the art style and artpiece itself, the "EYES" really cameout well and the raindrop style here is notbad either, In my opinion i think there is alot of "WHITE" areas in there that may be your intent but with the big cigar or joint maybe abit darker area there so that you can acent the "SMOKE" and fire of it abit better, but besides that this was pretty good i thought, I amreally looking forward to more of what you have in store for us here.

So as mentioned, too much white areas maybe some darkening up here and there would be nice, and more smoke effect aswell, just an opinion though.

Jlescobar responds:

thanks for watching, and your opinion ;)


Wow i remember this, this takes me back because way back when, before the super nes cameout this was the version over seas, so it was pretty neat, the controllers cameout nice, love the "SOFT" feel you are giving it here as it is realisticly, i love the shine you gave it, really nice work here, cant see anything that could be better as its alreaty pretty good if youask me, but maybe a more "3-D" version would be a plus, anyways nice job here takes you back to yesteryear.

Well as mentioned its already as good as can be but maybe a 3d version of some sort

datamouth responds:

yeah. i had the US version of the sues. with the lavender buttons. i always was a bit jealous of the people that had the non US version. the color buttons were so dope. i will make a 3D version for sure. i already started an xbox one and i'm planning on doing the Turbogrfx (with the turbo buttons) and the genesis. eventually i might do NES and Sega Master System ones. thanx for the great review!

Oh wow I love this

Wow i must say this was very "ARTISTIC" it had some nice vibrant colors and the whole drawing really just jumped out at ya and thats what really caught my attention so for the mostpart this was pretty good, there was alot of vibrant detail aswell with little things like the lights on the horns and the lights and such, maybe have the lights bright up more then you have them, that would be pretty impressive if you ask me, but i really enjoyed this for its artistic feel and such, anyways keep up the awsome work.

So as some slight improvments have more glow from the lights, and maybe even within the brain, and possibly some extra shine from bulbs aswell.

TurkeyOnAStick responds:

Next time you write a review, please have some idea what you're talking about. I've seen your pics with the pointless lens effects in them, and I'm unsurpised they obliterate the whole image.

This was interesting

I like this but it could use some more effort, its simple yet it has some depth to it, but these kinds of art pieces tend to get frounded on but still i like it, its a nice design, i like how the title fits the visuals on this,there could be some better shine and stuff but for the most part this was still pretty good, maybe a more variaty of color and such would be a start though, but anyways nice work i look forward to see more of your stuff, anyways keep up the decent art pieces.

Well some variaty of color and more design within it, but overall its pretty good.

And number three

And here we have number three, notbad and this one was a much more "UP-CLOSE" one and the shine seems to comeout better, but still an even more "SHINE" would also be a plus here so nice work overall and the whole 3d style is pretty awsome, lots of nice effects you can do, maybe using more effects and such, and on an ending note i would suggest venture out to try new stuff not just the same ol robot style but other creations so that you as an artist can show more variaty and more of what you can present us with, anyways nice work.

As with the other two, still some more shine, maybe even some "GLOW" on the red light and such.

And onto number 2

OK so this was pretty neat the second in the series of shiny robots, i like that this one has a red beam here, and like the other one this one could use more of a "SHINE" and sparkle to give it that much more of an effect therem he has all these arms and hands, maybe you should have him "HOLDING" something like a soda can or something, but anyways once again simular to the first one but still differant it was notbad and i like the style, keep it up.

So for things to improve on i suppose as suggested more shine, maybe in this case a prop for him to hold and such.

Ok so this was interesting

This was pretty intersting and i guess you have three differant robots as i look at them abit more close, i thought they were differant variations of the same and in away i guess they could be, but anyways The "SHINE" youput on this one was pretty neat, but i think you should have had some more of that shaine with some sparkle to it, The backround cameout well and was very fitting to this, you should have also added some sort of "LIGHTS" like flashing but since this is more of a still make it just a red light.

A decent robot like character here, could use some more shine and maybe some red and blue lights and such.

Nice drawings

So this was a really great drawing, i like how you gave this emotion, the eyes really cameout well, now i understand this was a sketch drawing but i think some added "COLOR" would have been nice though even if it is just a little bit of it, maybe just the glass could be colored, but anyways great job on the drawing it was fine detail in every part of it, other then that this was pretty good stuff i thought. keep up the good work.

Some touch of color or bits and piece of color here and there wouldnt hurt.


Ok so this is kinda interesting, it is some sorta drawing and or sketch, he is screamming something so you did show some "EMOTION" in the art piece and thats always something i look for, you could have done abit more with the white backround though, aswell as throw in some color maybe even multiple colors, seems kinda silly with him so angry, but i found it kind of interesting but seems to need more effort regardless.

could have done abit more with the white backround maybe some color base, so that you can have more focus on the character itself, and a touch of color in the sketch is also needed.

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