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Really nice piece here

Here was an interesting piece here, i am really enjoying this art piece, and like how you used some deep and rich color and texture, The lighting effects are ok, but could be abit brighter especially around the glasses maybe some more shine there, the lighting behind him seems ok but that could be in a more progressive way, but anyways a good art piecevery rich and deep colors here.

So as said, some shine or improved shine around the glasses, and not so overpowering shine on the backecn of his head, just an idea though.

Oh wow im in love with this piece

Wow ok first off this was "AMAZING" the color was my fave ofcourse, but using all purples really brought this out for me and i really liked everything from the overtop "VIEW" of the city, and the camera angle of it all, you did some amazing blending and the drawing of the girl is, anyways really amazing as for making this better or improving, maybe some better "LIGHTING" effects. but it was one fantastic piece.

Some more lightinmg effects like on some city lights and some light and dark areas of the deep purples. just an idea though.

I like it

And here we have another decent art piece, sometimes entertaining but mostly pretty decent like your style of art and while sometimes this could use more effrot and a tad more detail, its still a pretty decent artpiece. But anyways i guess this was one of those characters again from the bbs back in the day, everything here was pretty "SOLID" nice use of color, nice font, and its "FUNNY" so you did give all the elements, i suppose the onlything it lacked was some "BACKROUNDS" And the backrounds shouldnt be that hard and they dont have to be fully detailed just a lil something there, As this review comes to an end i just want to say that it was a pleasure seeing this and reviewing it, while it was not perfect or bad, it was just right and showed some skill of art and in the end it was pretty decent.

And here is were some ideas and tips are suggested, So i do have one or two maybe a few more ideas to improve on this and some are pretty basic ideas that you probably already figured them out, just takes time and effort to put them forward so go ahead and be creative. But the only real issue i found with this art piece was that it could use some backrounds, Add some backround detail or full art color, maybe even just a colored base maybe some related content backdrop but there does need to be some sort of backround in place.besides that it was pretty good if you ask me.

Now this was interesting

Now here was a nice art piece, it was differant and unique, pretty neat how you made this comeout, So to start off this is a great art piece and i really like what you have done here, Wow i really like this and wonder how you got some of the stuff to look the way they did, like the "GROOVES" in the mountain and all, but anyways this was an "AMAZING" piece of art the rainbow was a nice touch, i thought maybe you could have made the "RAINBOW" more vibrant more glow and more brighter to really accent the rest, But anyways great art piece everything seemed to come together, now as always there could be a few changes here and there but then also i like it as is, but regardless this is pretty neat and nifty.

So how can we improve on this already great piece, i have stated a few ideas and advice, but for the most of it, its pretty decent, could use some fixes and changes, but still very decent art style here and i was pleased, so nice work here, The onlything i thought that could be better and updated would be that you canadd more vibrant shine and brightness to the rainbow but thats about it.

Great detail

So first off an elvis mix with an Werewolf that was pretty creative so nice job there, I love the detail in all this, it was pretty good especially in the "ELVIS" outfit that made itmore realistic to Elvis, so props to you on that, There was a couple of things for me that could have made this better, one being that there was no backrounds, i could see a "VEGAS" like backround, and second this needed some color, again with Elvis's suit could have been sparkled up with gems and such, just a few ideas here that could have made things better, And so not much more to say except that i really liked this piece, there was some grey areas that could be worked on, but still really enjoyed what you presented here, and was glad i had a chance to check it out.

I would love to see some improvments on this piece, its already pretty good, but could use abit more tips and advice, so hope you enjoy a few of the advice ideas and such i have suggested and hope they help on improving on this art piece. So some backrounds were needed here some light touches of backrounds would have even been ok, maybe a backround base color, or maybe some drop back scene of some related sorts to the main art piece Like another idea would be, some flashing color lights that would really be something related and kinda neat, but something along them lines would sufice. And Some colour would be a great addition to this black and white piece that was one thing it was really lacking, and you dont have to go crazy with colour or even colour it fully just tid-bits and pieces would be a nice touch aswell, but some colour would be a great addition to this fine art piece.

Pretty neat.

So i have not seen too much 3d art stylle stuff on here, but have to admitt this was pretty impressive, It was really creepy looking with the "BUGGY" eyes and such but thats what a bug is hehe, anyways this was 3d but also you can tell it was 3d it also had a real effect wich was pretty cool. Allthough this is an older pic i could still see some improvments from this like more effort on the little details here and there, never hurts to put in that extra effort in making it much better, in the end the effort will show off to the good quality so thats another great thing to think about, Below are a few good ideas that could help get even better things going. but besides that this was notbad at all.

I have abit of advice in the form of some ideas, tips, and fixes that could make this better just a few anyways, so try them out even if just a few and these should really make this piece much better and detailed and with more quality.

Cool eye

I like this one i was really "AMAZED" at the "TEXTURE" and even the color blue of the eyes it reallywas nice andgood texture, but the "SKIN" had some really great skin texture giving that realistic look, so i guess in that aspect of things it was pretty good, and shows the effort you put into this so nice effort there indeed, and i look forward to more, as for improvment on this piece, maybe a larger canvus, as this one was a tad small, and while you did have good detail, a larger canvus would show off more of that detail, so thats something to try new at least. So with that said, i fount this art piece very interesting, had abit of artistic value was showing the effort and time youput into this, and hope to see more stuff like this from you, your style is great so keep up the awsome art work.

The hardest part is taking a part details of your piece and thats not what i want to do but there are a few things that could be improved with some small changes and adjustments all for the better so try a few of the tips and ideas and you will see in the long run it will work, below are a few of them. With this particular piece, maybe a larger canvus, maybe even something with backrounds.

Wow love it

Now i must say that i haveonly played the castle crashers game a few times but must admitt that its been a fun game, and to see a well detailed, very good visual of the red knight here that was pretty awsome i think the only issue here with this one would be that this knights "ARMOUR" could use more "SHINE" Add more shine, more sparkly armour even if he is in battle the armour might have some shine too it, so thats an idea to work on, but regardless this was pretty impressive and cameout almost perfect, so keep up the great work as i look forward to more. The backround was ok but wish there was something more there, maybe something in the distance to reflect a world that is going on related to the main character, just another idea that could help especially with the backrounds.

You have a great piece of art here, There was not much to improve on but with anything there is always room for improvment and here i thought was a few ideas that could help in those lacking areas, so hope these ideas do help as they can make this somewhat more improved.Some of theareas of work with this was more of a backround besides the base color, and more shine ofcourse on the armour.

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