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Very nice

Now this was nice, i love this design lots of design and the color tone matched the design very well, the black backround i thought could be red or orange or something along them lines but really you did an outstanding job on the design of this and all

Add some color in the black area so it brings out the design somewhat


like a comic here

I love your sense of darkness and imagination and in this one you had a little story to tell toobad it was just a tad short, it all worked out for the best as each frame told a part of the dark story which i liked, i would love to see more on this style (COMIC) anyways nice job here

Improve make more frames if you can



Very nice here and the process of this seemed to be pretty crazy but it was amazing and what you came up with was very unique and differant more then what i have seen on here sofar so keep up the work i look forward to seeing more and reviewing much more, checkout mystuff sometime.

As to improve on this one? i would only say that the image was not as clear and sharp as i may have wanted so thats where you may want some better shots


Fantastic work

Now this one is more of my fave style here as i do tend to enjoy the color abit more, now i dont mean to complain but i wouldnt mind seeing the color more sharper and brighter which can be done in photoshop and such, the idea of this one is really good though shows some imagination and all

Add more brighter coloring, i think it will show off the detail just abit more



Aww nice this is more realistic then some of your other stuff i like it but i think this and your other stuff need just a touch of color maybe just a spot here and there, maybe even if you just added some color frame work somehow

As explained just above i mentioned some color needed


wow neato

Aww this was pretty amazing i wonder how long it took you to complete this one? especially with all the fine detail and all the faces and bodies you have around seems like you really put some time into this, very nice art piece here.

I would suggest to improve on this in my opinion ofcourse would to add some "COLOR" on the outer edges just to make it more standout in the middle


Hmmm notbad

Hmm this was notbad i like it cause it shows fire element and it looks like the guy has just been through a tremendous battle, i do however think there is too much reds and oranges you should mix the colours up just abit

As said abit ago you should tone down abit on some oranges and reds to focus more on your main character here, maybe put a glow behind him so he is more of the focus


Icandraw responds:

thanks but i figured out that u always giving 7 :P lol u have a problem with them :D just kiddin thanks

Love the detail and color

Hehe well this was interesting it had so much detail and lots of "LOUD" colour that seemed to comeout very well, the idea of this image was very creative aswell it stands out because of the color and thats why i really enjoyed this

Make more interesting stuff like this, maybe more unque characters off in the backround somehow



Wow i love what you did with this, the "GLOW" alone is pretty amazing and really shows off the sci-fi effect bringing everything to light really looks neat, i wouldnt mind seeing more characters around hell maybe even a phrase said by these two or something anyways nice job here

add a caption or phrase said by the two characters


HappyHarry responds:

Thanks man. You'll see more of them for sure.

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