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Wow nice

wow this was pretty impressive the "SHINE" on this is awsomely shiny and love the 2tone gold over the other blue like color its looking real wwish i could have a car that color anyways verywelldone piece here

Make some shiny points in the backround


toshema responds:

Thanks for the suggestion ^_^ !!! I 'll see what I can add thats shiny !!!


Hmm well this was decent, had some nice color and color tones, i feel it was lacking some detail points you hade a fewcharacters and stuff in there but it needs more to just standout even more.

Add more detail points like more characters hidden around and such


haha great stuff

Heh this i s funny and amusing, the art is fresh and the humor is spot on, you gave it four frames, which i think is abit on the short side but if you made more fraames like in a full comic book style nut just one page you can do alot more with it and make more to the story

So give it a try and make it longer allowing for more funnyness


vould use some more depth in color

This was pretty neat i thought, but i would love to see more color more deeper colors some sorta reds and blues, its neat though reminds me of something from silent hill games but other then that its a nice art piece

Add more depth in color like the bandage could be a red or something



this was nifty, it does have some decent detail and it tells abit of a story, which is why i like it, the blood effect is notbad, i would have liked to see more of this in a much larger view showing more of the guys destruction path maybe along the road or something

A good art piece here show more next time


Love the color

This was pretty neat the paportions seemed off, seemed like she had muscles more like a super heros mans muscle features you may want to tone it down abit since its more of a girl hero

Some muscle toning down would help on this


nice yet again

Hehe wow these just get better and better, allthough i didnt understand the ending on this one, but still the rest was pretty funny and i was very amused, had a blast reading this and others soon to be so keep up the good work

Make more windows then just the 4


This was notbad

Nice comic you have here, luigi never gets the best of things, but as for your comic here it was too the point funny and entertaining, i will have to checkout your other stuff soon maybe more comics nice job

Make the borders a greenish color since its more luigie style


wow neato

Awsome you have a mixture here the characters were very flamboyant but thats waht really drove this piece, and you have great placement aswell as an awsome eye for detail, it was one fantastic art here you should make more mixtures like this of other games and stuff

Very awsome art here and a great idea of the mixing of characters


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