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Wow i love this

This really caught my "EYE" haha but really it did the red really worked wonders for this and it does seem to show so nice effort there its a unique and something differant so as i did see this one i knew i wanted to check this out and review it, great job on colors, and great job on texture, but most of all, great job on the idea here cause thats what really showed off. anyways keep up the good work, i have added this to my faves list its pretty awsome stuff.

And another decent idea, infact it was a really good idea and as for any improvment, maybe some slight more backround detail or texture,

wow very nice

Im pretty impressed with this one, You have pushed the details on this to a new level, there are some nice details, nice

colors and some great textures to go with those colors so props to you for that, this was just pretty amazing and i was glad to see it, must have been fun working on this, i am amazed most of all with the vibrant color and feel of this, anyways good job and hope to see more stuff like this.

Well i think you have a solid piece, very good detail, and nice effort, maybe more backround color effects but honestly doesnt need it.

I love it

Ha i really love this at first when i saw the thumnail i thought this was going to be something about diablo looking like a female hehe, but this was still just as good, very welldone on the texture tones and even expressions you have here they show the emotion well, and you had a small joke here so that was good too and made for more enjoyment on this piece, so nice effort indeed, i look forward to more of your work soon,

I would really like to see you continue on this maybe more text bubbles for more story depth of it but regardless this was pretty amusing i thought.

Now here was something.

This was kind of nifty, this one jumped out at me though, and i love the "EYE-BALL" jumping out, and the teeth cameout well too as it seems, theres a good dark feel and touch with this one and i think thats what you are going with, the skin texture is great, and everything is dark maybe there should be msome sort of glow and shine off the "TEETH" somehow, but anyways this was still a good piece, really enjoyed it.

And so this was all pretty good quality, some extra shine here and there wouldnt hurt though.

Interesting design

I thought this was somewhat differant and kind of unique in a way, one thing that looks off to me with this is the "EDGES" looks cut off all around maybe its the black "BACKROUND" maybe its the space inbetween but just looks abit off, the rest of it the drawing the style looks pretty good nice shading and detail so i liked it, the cut out style does make it somewhat differant so notbad there.

I would give the backround a more "CLOUDY" touch, maybe add some borders and such.

Something differant

So every once in awhile you do come across something differant on this website and here you have done just that its pretty neat kind of like a pixle portait of some sort it seems, The issue i had with this one though was that it was just too small you should amke it a larger world and bigger view screen for more detail and just overall more to see in the art piece, just an idea anyways.

Well with pixle like style its hard to grade on the creative style but one thing that could be better would be to make this pice somewhat larger as it was just kinda small.

Erbmaster responds:

Will do! Thanks for the review!

wow nice

Wow i must say this was pretty impressive with a dark structure, great linework and pretty fine linework as i must say, the creativity on this was also brilliant and that really pushed the creativity and imaginary ideas thatcould come from it aswell, so nice job on this one, maybe a touch of color could only improve on this but i also like it for its fine detail maybe you can bring out more detail; withsome "COLOR" just an idea though, regardless its prettyy awsome stuff.

So some added color would be a nice touch, other then thatits pretty decent

An interesting sketch here

Now this was neat and i do like the "FRONT-VIEW" shot here it really puts it up and close, everything looks pretty well portioned, and while i understand its more of a sketch and or rough draft i wouldnt mind seeing you put some "COLOR" into these or maybe some touches here and there of color, but overall i do find that these are pretty impressive and can be even better with some color, anyways nice work sofar.

So i have suggested some color or some color touch up here and there. but anyways you have some good potential and i hope to see more come of it.

Nice work here

Wow i really like this, theres alot to see here, i do however think you should add alot more "SHINE" but also give it some oil and greese thats around in spots, so a mixture of shine and greese would also give this more of a realistic look aswell, just an idea of improvment but what you do have here is very impressive and very detailed its a work of art that is very welldone indeed, and i praise you on this, anyways nice job all around here.

I have suggested some shine and even mix in some oul and greese in there.

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