So this one was differant, i guess without a scanner and just a pic of it the "QUALITY" kind of got lowered, and would have been nice to see more of the quality on this , this actually looks good even as it is, the skull is cool and the backround is cool, maybe it could be ran thru photoshop or something to bring out the colors in a more vibrant toch and look, I like the effort but just seems like the quality is low on this maybe you can reproduce this somehow, or like i said run it thru photo-shop, but anyways decent effort here.
And here i found a good art piece that was really jumping out at me, it was interestinga nd abit artistic, it can be even better with a few fixes here and there, i wouldnt mind seeing improve from what you have it as, so here are a few ideas that could help in that improvment so try some of the ideas out. But anyways the only issue here was that the quality was abit low maybe that can be fixed somehow maybe even thru photoshop or another art program.