Fantastic use of art in this one, This one kinda blw me away so very nice workon this one, and this is the sort of stuff that I have really come to love. you have Captured something great with some Flair and you have some good insight on the art world, so nice job here. Kind of like some pixle like art this was pretty nifty and the bright colors are cool, I think the only issue here is that the "IMAGE" could be on a larger canvus style. other then that it was decent. But anyways This was pretty interesting something new and thats always a plus when you see alot of the same styles, so keep up the good work and keep making creative stuff. So keep making nifty stuff as this one and always keep a creative mind. and keep making stuff that will make one think.
You have a decent piece of arthere so its a hard siuation to suggest some improvments but as they say theres always room for some sort of improvment. You have a good Installation here, Your Priority in the efforts here are high and thats why i liked it, so nice job here today. Making it larger in view screen size would be a plus maybe even adding some type of borders around would also be a plus, but overall it was decent.