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This was neat

A good piece of artwork here you have, it has some nice elements its unique and differant, so you have the skills and you just outdid yourself with this piece, would love to see more of this aswell. Alright this was neat, it was differant, i like the characters, I like the backrounds even, imthinking maybe you should even have some sort of "BORDERS" here some green military style might give it more focus and such, just some ideas that could excell this into some better detailed work, but i like what you have sofar, keep up the decent work. And so I was pretty pleased with everything, I liked your ideas and concept with this piece, There could be be some extra details, but i will get into that later.

This is where i like to suggest some improvments, not everything actually needs them but i like to post them anyways, so here are some poosible ideas that may work. Some more details that could show up. on a bigger scale might be a possiblity.


A fantastic piece you have here, there are some points i may get to later that you could improve on but for the mostpart it was pretty nifty i thought So this ws nifty, you can see all the little detail here and there, and the backround was notbad either, allthough i thought some more and extra detail would have been nice aswell, It had some decent creativity, maybe as a point of some improvment you could make a larger canvus making the detail larger somehow. So i was pretty pleased with this you have outdone yourself, on this and this one has all the great elements in the right places, you do good work.

Some ideas i may have for improvment here i may suggest a few i may not suggest anything but ill go ahead and post something or some possible ideas, so try and look into them. Larger canvus larger detail for more visual effects of the detail would be nice.

Nice and unique

Now its pieces like this that make me love looking for new art pieces to review, you have all the right elements allthough some areas could be better and some extra effects could be added, This was a wacky piece of art that you have going here, I love the view shot you gave this, also you gave this art piece some "ACTION" the up close action and the far decent backrounds really worked well here and it gave it that live action scene you have here, onething i would like to see possibly, more glow on the "EYES" anyways nice piece of art here. You have some amazing ideas and that shows here, the effortsof your labor come through and it shows strong with detail, so i for sure am excited for more of your work.

Its pieces like this that make me enjoy art even more, so i may have a few ideas that i would hope could help you improve on stuff, Some more glow on the eyes, and maybe more glow on more lighted areas around the art piece.

TaraGraphika responds:

Hmm...yeah...the eyes does look a bit dull, though.....Thank you very much for the honest review. I'm sure to upload more works for your entertainment:)

Awsome idea

Another fine piece of art in the portal, so today is a good day for finding new creations and thats what i have found today, You have a good creative sense, and it shows here. So for ages i have been telling people to do this style of black and white art with some color, just a touch of color, but i have to say you have done a fantastic job on this, the blood dripping was great while everything else was black and white, youalso gave some good emption with it, i think to bing out the "EMOTION" some more you could have a tear drop from her eye that could also be in color aswell. but other then that you have outdone yourself and this is also a new fave of mine. Your creative styles have comeout for sure today, cant wait to see whatelse you do come up with, and i will be looking forward to seeing more of your efforts in art and creativity.

Not sure i will have much improvment ideas, but i will do my best topinpoint any suggestions and advice of improvments, allthough you are a stand-alone great artist as this piece shows already. Some more emotion improvments could be added like some colored tear drops on the girls face would be a nice touch.

Civilized-Apocalypse responds:

wow sweet jesus this is just a doodle but uh, i can understand the emotion you are trying for with the tear drop but i wanted to emphasize more like, she doesnt give a fuck kind of expression ajfierglerjargjafkojr im not really great with emotions yet though so it probably got misinterpreted a lot

Very impressed

Now here is something that really stuck out to me its these types that are really nifty and something kind of differant, But i really enjoy finding stuff like this on the portal. So this is one of my new fave art pieces here on the site, you have done a great job on this one, the black and white style is perfect, the lines and sketchs are also superb, i was taken back with this whole piece and was pretty impressed with everything you had here, so for me this was a top notch piece of art, maybe a touch of color like the moon or something but overall this was awsome. And as i come to a close here, you have done well, you have suprised me and have an outstanding piece of art here, you have for sure got me doing a double turn on this one.

And so i would like to see if i have any improvment details, and if i do ill post what can be changed here, allthough you have a pretty decent piece here. I wouldnt mind seeing one area or some spot colored while the rest is black andwhite that would be something differant and such, but other then that you have a good piece of art here.

Notbad at all

Very nice work here and some nice effort aswell, allthough i wouldnt mind seeing some more effects throughout it was a pretty good piece of work, so keep making fantastic stuff like this. I like what you have done here, you have something interesting with lots of colors, i dont understand the text but guess its something, the lightning was good aswell, the backround was pretty neat too, Would have been nice if the colors were more "VIBRANT" maybe even the "LIGHTNING" somewhat more brighter, but other then that you have done very wellon this piece, and it was a pleasure. Now i was really liking the work you put out here today it was something that put some nice effects and elements together, so it was a good piece of art, And i do look forward to more of your work here soon enough.

And so here is where ill suggest a few ideas if i have any, you already have some good work here so probably wont need much, but if anything ill try and pin point a few areas of needing some attention. Now as for improvments i have suggested some possible lightning, and maybe more brighter and vibrant colors but then it all depends on your ideas aswell.

Lots of color

So sometimes its kind of hard to judge someones art, but sometimes you have too, i think you have a wonderfull piece here but again could use some more efforts and better details, maybe a few changes but not much, anyways notbad. Alright so there was some nice things about this one, there was some nice things about the color allthough i thought that there could have been some brighter and even more "VIBRANT" areas of color, like the part of the stuff comming out of the mouth, and the "BACKROUND" was too simular as the main drawing so it all was too blended in, so maybe a differant backround would be key. Alrigh you have something good here i like the artwork that you have presented here now i wouldnt mind seeing some more efforts but sofar you have done a decent job here and i do look forward to more soon.

Some slight improvments are always a plus especially with artworks, i may not be a pro at art but i do know a few things so hope you may look into some of the ideas and advice i may post up here, but besides that good luck. There was some issues with the backround and color that could be changed and or worked on.

Erbmaster responds:

Thanks for the tips!

Very interesting

Nice demon you have here the "TEXTURE" and detail is very welldone and i like the feel of it, as it looks like its looking at something and so thats good and you showed the emotion with the eyes, very impressive, the texture is impressive as is the line and shade work. so here was something very impressive and glad i had a chance to check this out, great work great detail, and most of all greatpiece of art.

I think the "EYES" ould use some glow or color shine possibly.

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