Very nice work here
Well its always a pleasure to see some good efforts pushed forward like this, there is actually alot to see, and the visual is a great one, You seem to have went all out on this with some nifty efforts in making something really good here so props to you on this piece. OK so onto the review here first of all i would like to say, that this whole piece is pretty "FANTASTIC" and the shadowing alone was pretty impressive you have a great design here, especially with putting fourth color and shading and a fantastic drawing all together, There was one thing thati noticed that could be improved and that was the backround "SKULLS" Now while they are just ok, they could have had a more fresh and vibrant look to them and such, more deep reds more new style of skulls as the ones you did have seem more to me like some skulls from the 80's as odd as that sounds, since this is a dark and evil presance of an image you should push those skulls to a more evilish feel, I also wouldnt mind seeing some more "SHINE" either like on the shoulder and the stocking parts maybe, but anyways nice work regardless. And well thats that, a decent piece of art, some pretty neat way you designed this it was interesting and kept me looking at all the little details, so in that aspect of it, it was a decent piece of art, and i hope to see more from you soon, anyways nice efforts.
So theres not alot i can say or do to change some stuff but i do try and suggest an idea or two wich may help and if not then good luck on any other pieces of art you may have in the works but in the meantime here are some of the ideas that i saw. So what i did get was that maybe some more shine in areas and corner points, and some more effort and fresher detail on the skulls unless the grungy look was your direction then that case leave it as is.