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Wow this has some nice shine effects to it. All in the right places some really good shades aswelll I like what you have done here keep up the great work

Time-Breaker responds:

Thank you :D
Sure will, and I'll try to fix those purple colours outside the line-art in the future as well :3

Nice color and standing out

Now im not too much educated on this style of art but i must say it did catch my eye and i was pleasently pleased how this came up, and as i continue on in this review i hope to enjoy even more on what you have presented. A nice piece you have here you really made the color come alove and you have also showd the emotion in the characters face which made for some good realism, and i also like how the backround was abit bland as to focus more on the character. i do however think there could be some more shine on the armor plate she has on, more shine and maybe even some war marks. And so i am almost at the end here of this review but i have enjoyed your work here, and through out this review i may suggest some positive options that can smooth it out somewhat but if you dont use any, thats cool too.

so in this case i do have a few tips of helpful options and hope they could help to improve on some things, and i do hope you will look into some of these. So a few things that could give this some more realisim, would be adding some war dmg like explosion smoke some gashes and dents in the armor, then maybe some shine on some corners would also be a big plus.

Rennis5 responds:

you make some fair points, thank you dude :D

Nice work

Alright so this is something neat where you have shown some different elements to express different events here and some are good and some could be details more, but sofar i like what you have done here. So i am getting alot from this piece here, the rain the short circuits, the splashing of the rain aswell, it seems to all come together in a moment of relaxation for this character, there are some things i thought you could work on though such as, the short circutts could have a more glow to them and whatnot. And so here is the end of my review but i did enjoy the different elements and such that brought this piece out, some little changes as mentioned could improve on this piece.

OK so through-out this review i have suggested a few areas and things that can be improved on the key points of improvment are below again for your use, and i enjoyed your work and hope you make more stuff like this. the short circiuts could have a more glow to them more lighted areas there and maybe evenputting some moon in the backround will give it more of a dark feel in the backround.

So art is a tricky thing but i like what you have here as it was pretty nifty and interesting in its own kind of way so i was glad to have the opertunity to get some words down for a review on this one. This was something odd and unique, o good creation at work and great use of creativity with this one, i think it could use a few lighting maybe on the eyes and such but other then that this was pretty good. Alright this indeed was something unique, didnt expect it at first but was pretty inpresive and has a unique touch and feel for that matter, i like your direction with this piece.

And so after viewing this art piece a bit it was notbad but i think i may have a suggestion or two that could improve on it or atleast touch it up in some points so give some ideas a shot and here is what i thought up. Adding some slight lighting like with the eyebals would be a plus.


A good piece of art here, it has some nice elements about this, allthough i could see it improving but i will touch on that later, but you do have some nice style here on this piece. This reminds me alot like Grand theft auto art like from the vice city seriesm this one was really working with the light and darkness, maybe in the backround you could have some sorty of smokey backround for that mystery that might come from the backround, and i wouldnt mind more lighted glow on the cig, but overall a good piece here. So how to end this with a decent piece you have here you have shown the effort the style and the detail, and it all shows in your finished product, hope to see more from you soon.

Now this here is, just an improvment area but seems like you know what your doing but i suppose if i have anything to suggest it will be below, but like i said you might not need much at all with this one. So as suggested some smokey like element in the backround the rest is all good to be honest its nice work.

Unique and different

Something different and something unique and thats what really drew me to this its almost perfect with all that you did here, You have the skill, and the effort, i hope you keep that style up. Oh wow this was pretty interesting it has a very unique look to it, also has some nice shades, nice detail, and great design about it, the texture was awsome, and you put some slight emotion on his face expression, even the backround was pretty neat, This was all a pretty good piece of art, i could see you making lots of these in a series of portraits, so nice job indeed. And to end this here, will be somewhat sad since i thought this was pretty unique and different, just keep making these uniqie and odd pieces as they are very interesting.

Now this one was hard to suggest some improvments since this had it all as mentioned, but i still can think up some ideas and possble improvment suggestions. There reallyis not much that you can perfect on this since its almost perfect, i wouldnt mind seeing a tear comming from his eye just for some more oddness.

A nifty idea

An interesting and a nifty idea you have here, and its always nice to see something different as you have done here, i wouldnt mind seeing more stuff like this, so anywaysonto the review in much more detail. Alright so this was something different and i guess i will have to go and checkout the other ones but this is a nifty idea, and the detail was pretty good, i think there could be some more changes like maybe have dripping blood from the sword, maybe even have some blood stains on his mask. So that topps it off so as i do come to an almost close here, i will say keep up what you are doing because its a fun experience to see what you are presenting here, so nice job all around.

Some slight changes could be added but if you are completly happy with your work then disregard this here but if you have the time then do look in these few possible ideas that i come up with and saw, but anyways here you are keep up the decent ideas and crafty work. So a few ideas would to have more blood like blood dripping even some blood splatters on the mast as mentioned above.

Nice artwork

A nifty piece if you ask me, there was some of this and some of that, and you made it all come alive with your own style and twict, but thats what made it special atleast for me so i was glad to have seen this one. So here we have something interesting and a lil different but you can never go wrong there, you seemed to have thrown in a little 3d element in the mix so that was pretty cool the shades and texture is pretty awsome if you ask me, and all in all this cameout very fine detailed and you showed some good quality. There might be some final touch ups, but other then that you have done a pretty decentjob on this piece so nice work indeed, and hope you continue this up and keep creating some awsome pieces.

A good piece of art you have here, there is always some sort of improvment even on the best pieces, but sometimes not always the easiest to go about but i will do my best here, so try some new things here. I dont think there is much of anything to improve on this but if you want to go that extra mile you can always add some backround stuff going on as to show more of the world these people are comming from.

Izzy-A responds:

Thanks for the crit. This actually has no 3D of any kind, all painted. There's definitely stuff to improve on, but I got tired of all the refining so this is what I thought is as complete for me as possible without losing my sanity.

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