
17,993 Art Reviews

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Amazing use of color

you bring on some nice design here and the art piece alone is beautiful but the color is amazing, I really dont have any changes in mind as you have made a beautiful creation here your idea of color use is brilliant theres nothing like the use of color that you bring it forward here, some really beautiful design here and very artistic.

I really dont have any changes in mind as you have made a beautiful creation here


I like it

So this was kind of cool I like the grouped pic here seems like the backround was too bland maybe adding some small detail back there would be a plus, just an idea but besides all that this was pretty cool really good work indeed nice style here

some added detail in the backround


Some fantastic color detail

Wow intense love the block style reminds me of a mix of lego and tetris, nice energy in this one with all the amount of color use and you really make the color work for the structure of this, You have Some fantastic color detail here on this entry with some really nice visual and great detail that jumps out at you and shows off some vivid color element.

no changes needed.



So there seems to be some decent action going on in this one a nice action scene the color kind of jumps out at you too love the flashes in the backrounds almost seems like you could have more flashes all around, anyways great work indeed hope to see more.

love the flashes in the backrounds almost seems like you could have more flashes all around


Color is amazing

I am loving the glasses and all the shine maybe even adding a sparkle on the glasses would be cool, your idea of color use is brilliant theres nothing like the use of color that you bring it forward the unique design of the art piece is awsome, but the amazing use of color really gets me going because of how you blend and mesh all the color elements really something beautiful.

adding a sparkle on the glasses would be cool


Now this is really nice

This cycloptic element is nice love the black growing and the flower like eyes really has a unique design here you really know how to make it work, would love some added detail in the backround, and maybe some glow on the eyes, i have added this as one of my faves

would love some added detail in the backround, and maybe some glow on the eyes


A fun and unique Comic

Spiders ohmy great one here short and to the point do wish these were longer, An interesting submission here and some very good humor you have a great creative mindset A fun and unique Comic that you have created here, I love the energy you put into these comic styles here, some really nice story humor too even as short as these comics are they are very interesting.

short and to the point do wish these were longer


Nice work

So while im not familuar with the content one thing that did stand out in this one was the cartoony color and element and it was a nice retro look back, so besides that this was a cool little piece of art hope you make more like this one for sure.

make more like these


Very entertaining web comic here

The older ones like this one are always fun do wish the fonts of the text bubbles were a tad larger, but still fun stuff, I have been enjoying it for a long time and hope to continue to enjoy it for the future, this is Unique and interesting web comic, very entertaining, you have some amazing ideas and love the small details you ad to each and every one, a great comic style you have created here.

do wish the fonts of the text bubbles were a tad larger, but still fun stuff


Nice work

So nice work once again its simple and to the point but still gives me a chuckle from the simple action and meme like element, so really nice work here wouldnt mind some color though but besides that this was pretty cool some good stuff here.

some added color would be nice.


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