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Very nice

This was really nice work you have here I love the formation of his head here and the lighting effect is really comming off the top of his head well honestly this is a pretty solid piece only thing I would change at all on this one would be to ad some improved border or frame maybe something of the same color to relate to the man himself anyways nice work

Cute comic

So this was a cute comic you have here very nice indeed I do think you could ad a bit of color to this with vibrant colors themes maybe even just the border could be colored just a bit or maybe just a prop is colored but overall this was pretty cool and the comic is actually pretty funny with the content and such but anyways keep up the good work and you have here


Another beautiful piece here

So this painting practice you do is really some beautiful work you really have some nice details here and it all seems to come alive on things very nice indeed I really like the effort and energy you bring the lighting effects on this are just amazing very deep love the artistic style that you presented here

No changes on this beautiful piece


Wow beautiful

Now this was some beautiful work you have here really nice and really beautiful the hair and her expression is just very real and deep you really bring out the details like the background the candles in the background could be glowing a little more with a bit of sparkle in the distance anyways nice work

Some added sparkle to candles



So there's lots of reds in this one maybe too much at times but then as I look at it you seem to separate the character from the background and really make that backround work I would throw in more lighting behind her to offset that red just a tad but overall this was pretty good and a nice piece here

Some more lighting behind charchter


Very nice

So this was pretty cool with some nice background detail not sure what you do with the background detail but it's pretty impressive with the color and just looks really good the characters are in perfectly posed moment and show off some good expression so all in all a very nice piece here

Maybe some sunlight beating down on them



I wonder what you think is still? I like the open-endedness of this piece of "INKTOBER". I think you made me think and wonder what is going on and that is always nice with art. You get a sense of "MYSTERY" and wonder with art sometimes and you think. oh I think this is what he means, but then someone else can say a different interpretation. It is all good for communication and admiration of the art forms. I love the font here, once again, that font is your strong skill. I think the white space could be less, I do find the more white space the less focus you have on the main art or you can add more of a background to this to elimit the amount of white space. I think that overall you have talent with the ink style of the art world and I hope you keep it up, this was good job and good use of your skills.

I would use less white space and crop this up or maybe add more of a background as I stated above but I do like this.


Cyberdevil responds:

Still going with the Inktober pieces... maybe? ;) And Still as in: just standing there. Still. Wonder if I had any deeper message here hmm... always nice with art that can be interpreted many ways indeed, though considering this was one of my quicker pieces I am a bit surprised with the four stars here, versus three point fives on the others. Anyway thanks for the reviews! Always a pleasure to read. And motivation.

Fantastic group

And here we have a "SILLY" and toony group here very fresh looking and welldone once again, the backround seems like it needs some color added though, A fantastic design of a character here you bring out the best in character work even in some of the best poses you have here, some really nice form of lines and alurring tones, but anyways really nice work detail, so nice work indeed, and hope you make many more great stuff like this.

the backround seems like it needs some color added though


Another great character

Cool its "ROXY" not sure who she is but she looks well done and has two little "ADMIRERS" with here, so your character or character work is always amazing if its not the lines its the detail within the lines and you seem to make it all come together in a full fledged detail, so nice effort here and hope you keep making great characters and beautifull lines such as this one.

I would darken up the borders a tad bit.



A group of one "CHARACTER" here very nice I love all the poses in this one, seems like you could ad more frame work on this one around each character and edges of whole canvus piece, So this was pretty awsome the characters as always great form and always alurring and a nice style you have here very good detail, the lines are smooth as can be and I would for sure love to see more like this as this was a good art style but then again you always bring good quality about.

seems like you could ad more frame work on this one around each character and edges of whole canvus piece


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