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Sad but good

This one was a good art work here but it seems this one is a bit sad, like the way you have the head positioned on the body of this man, that position screams that of someone who is very "SAD". I feel like the snow is inside the umberalla too. You have all the "COLORING" going behind him, maybe that isn't the intension, but that is what I am getting out of this. I think the white space is okay, but there is a lot of it. I would crop this one and all more textures of the snow or maybe those textures more dark and vibrant in color. I do like the man and the way he looks, even if he is being sad. I think it tells a story here and you wonder what he has been dealing with or will deal with. Overall a good piece of art, not sure why you didn't let a vote happen for this one, but good job and good use of your skills. I hope you keep your inktober going for a long while.

I would use less white space and crop this one a bit, maybe add more snow lines and details


Cyberdevil responds:

Hmm yeah, the white puffs inside the umbrella were meant to be background cloud, but I do see how that bit's a bit misleading. Main motive might've looked better a bit bigger, I suppose, if I did keep the white all white. Feel like I'd probably botch the impression if I started adding texture, but maybe something to experiment with hmm... thanks for reviewing! Hope to get going with Inktober this year too. Time's closing in fast.

Very nice work

Cool effects, I think the floor shoyld be "DARKER" so that the "PUDDLE" shows off more visually, And here we go some nice work you have done here some cool characters but then again alot of your work is pretty amazing, the detail and energy you put in your details of the characters really comes out, so keep making more character work such as this one, anyways nice job.

darker backing and grorund so puddle doesnt intertwine with simular color backing.


Very nice

A good "BATTLE" going on here, So you have some good adventure that you bring out and about so good character work here, and good story here too, really good style of comic here with a nice adventure to go with, I like the web comic and hope you make many more like this one its pretty solid stuff.

Some added color on some climax moments.


cecameron responds:

Thank you for all the kind comments!


This particular one got really interesting with chains and suc, Very nice work here, you keep this "REVIEWER" My tip would be ad some sparkle come off the chain, excited and entertainined and really enjoying this series, Its the little things the little detail that you do in this comic series, so keep doing what you do best and keep making more entries to this, as I do enjoy every one of these.

My tip would be ad some sparkle come off the chain


Nice comic

Good "ADVENTURE" in this one, I really like this comic because you really put the energy into it, make more of these with adventure and climax like this one, This was a nice comic I love how you bring in some nice view shots on this the characters are unique and different the comic brings adventure and even a bit of humor, so a good comic you have here I have come to really enjoy this comic series and look forward to even more.

make more of these with adventure and climax like this one



A nice play on words here you've got going on. I think the use of "CRATE" and not create was a bit funny. I do like the crate itself sitting in the middle centre-line of the page. It kind of reminded me of the cards-against-humanity "BOX" expansion. It has a bunch of box cards, where you replace the word in a sentence with a crate or box. I would look into that for a good laugh. I do like the subtle border here and the use of fine lines to create some grass. As always, your text font is unique and original. You are very good with font. I would have made the blue more vibrant as it is too light and blends inside the white a bit too much. If my saturation or brightness was off, you'd lose the background all-together, so keep that in mind next time. Great job overall.

I would just make the blue background a bit darker to not blend with the white as I stated above.


Cyberdevil responds:

Think I joined in on the original Kickstarter for Cards Against Humanity, though I've yet to actually try it. XD Good to know! And glad you liked this one better too; appreciated the wordplay. Good point on the blue.

Nice web-comic

You have a good "STORY" here and im really getting hooked, So you have a nice web-comic here now I review alot of work including art and web comics and have to say that you really caught my eye with this one and it just jumps out at you and I like the style and element you bring into this with the unique characters and content.

make more great ones.


Awsome submission here

I am falling for this web-comic, and I really like the detail on your "BACKROUND" work, I still think you need more frames rather then just the few so the story can be longer in each comic, Very nice effort here and nice entry here very good quality of characters and story, its the little things in the story and character details that really make me enjoy this piece so please do make more just like this, as I am enjoying your style here and hope to see much more from you and this web-comic.

I still think you need more frames rather then just the few so the story can be longer in each comic



Looks like you've been watching that anime I found on Netflix, Aggretsuko. I think this is an interesting take on it. Most of the characters are chibi style anime, but here you've gone with a more traditional anime character depth. You have also made this like a manga by adding some content and comic wording. Her water marks or sweat coming off her face shows the expression and emotion she usually has, that nervous fears. She always says yes to the boss and you've got that part down well. I also like the subtle background here, something inside your white space, but nothing taking away from it or overdoing it. I think this is all good all around and a bit funny because I understand the context from watching the show.

Nothing really to add, you've captured the anime very well.


QuiteSplendid responds:

Thank you very much :0 I'm glad you liked it

Awsome web comic

Wow lots going on in this one, seems like there is not too much "DIAL-LOG" thats something you could push more of I suppose,
here we are with some nice comic style a good web comic, but have to say that this is a good web comic series you have, very nice work, and Im glad I have found it, looks to be some fun times reviewing this and all of your work. anyways keep it real and make much more like this.

seems like there is not too much "DIAL-LOG" thats something you could push more of I suppose


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