Very cool
Another good find, of some decent art we have here, now im no expert but this is pretty good if you ask me, and its clearly nice visually, you have some good ideas here and i like what you have done here today. I absolutly love this one, the "COLORS" are all differant and work well with one another making something interesting so this was notbad at al, i especially like the yellow that works over the black with a red glow, so maybe some more glow on the red and something in the backround like some distant back scene or something. Not sure what else today you have brought everything here today and made a decent piece for everyone to enjoy, there might be some improvments but not much at all.
So someimprovments would make this a tad better but then again i dont want to take away from anything of your creation and design. but here are some posibilities. The backround could use a faint but distant scene, maybe some dead people or a city drop, and some more "GLOW" on the red around the character would be another nice touchup.