Now here is another nice bright one from you thanks for making the request, and glad you listened to me, now this one you have here is pretty differant but i still like it, and i do see what you mean about the eyes and mouth, the "EYES" have a really neat look to them, might have been nice if you put a little star in the middle of the eyes or something to give it that more eye look, but overall it does look pretty neat, and as for the mouth maybe give it some stars or shapes that make it look like teeth some sharp ones, heh just an idea anyways, but all and all its another neat pic with the neat brightness and awsome colors i liked from the last one, feel free to request a review anytime and ill be glad to review any of your work, so i look forward to more of your stuff soon
Well like explained, the eyes could use a more center points, and the mouth could use a teeth type of thing.