Lots of color
So sometimes its kind of hard to judge someones art, but sometimes you have too, i think you have a wonderfull piece here but again could use some more efforts and better details, maybe a few changes but not much, anyways notbad. Alright so there was some nice things about this one, there was some nice things about the color allthough i thought that there could have been some brighter and even more "VIBRANT" areas of color, like the part of the stuff comming out of the mouth, and the "BACKROUND" was too simular as the main drawing so it all was too blended in, so maybe a differant backround would be key. Alrigh you have something good here i like the artwork that you have presented here now i wouldnt mind seeing some more efforts but sofar you have done a decent job here and i do look forward to more soon.
Some slight improvments are always a plus especially with artworks, i may not be a pro at art but i do know a few things so hope you may look into some of the ideas and advice i may post up here, but besides that good luck. There was some issues with the backround and color that could be changed and or worked on.