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Nice work

You have a really interesting piece of art here, it has some creative and artistic looks, and I really came to enjoy this and all that it was worth, so as I do start this review I look forward to every detail and curve made here. and sofar you have done an awsome job with this piece. And here is another nice art piece, good portrait of omeone, I like what you did with the backround my only issue was the inner lightness of is back arm. So we are here at the end of the review, but I just would like to say it was a pleasure reviewing and seeing your artwork, wish we had more artists like this on here. You for sure have the Desire for this and it shows deeplyin your work, so keep that element up.

Not every idea will work with all the different types of art out there, But I think I may have a few thoughts that may work out for the best so here are some things you may want to look into. maybe add more texture or deeper color to the outter arm it seemed too pinkish.


Tortoise can fly Nice

And so we have another art piece here filled with some entertaining value aswell as some interesting art creativity and thats what I really look for so nice effort on bringing the differant elements together with this one. So I Applaud you on a good days efforts and work with this one allthough it probably took longer. Tortoise can fly Nice work there the idea of this is pretty great, you presented good detail and depth of the art, love the color of the eyes and the bracelet, naybe since those are only blues in the piece have them sandout a bit more with a more glow effect and maybe more of a glow effect of the wins aswell for more of that majic Tortoise. And what can i say more about this interesting and unqique piece of art, ofcourse there could be improvments but from what I have seen on this creation you have impressed this reviewer. You have Extended your efforts in this one and pushed the desire to create a fantastic piece.

So here I beleive I may have a few things that you could work on, Now not every idea will work best but its how you use it, anyways here are some things that might work for you and this submission type. Adding more "GLOW EFFECT" to the eyes, wings and braclet areas would be a good place for improving on things.


A BIG Kick

You have some good talant on here and it shows with this piece, I like the work you have done here the quality showsand you bring out the detail well, so very nice work here. So i Applaud you on this fine piece of art and hope to see more very soon here on the portal. So like one big kick here, everything came out well with the proportions of the body and the actual kick, I do think the "CANVUS" size should be larger allow for more detail to be shown. And now that we are at the end of the review I will say that it was a good find, and a pleasure to have seen this piece of creativity, and i hope to see more soon. And as I Finally get this review started, my Overview of this whole piece is that of a positive one, because this was pretty good.

Tough to say exactly what this submission warrants. On one hand the graphics/visual are notbad, and it was a really enjoyable work of art to try out. but on the other hand there are things you can do to make it better. A larger canvus for sure on this one and I wouldnt mind some borders around the edges here aswell.



And here we have another fine art piece, of creativity and design, I love the effort you have put into this to create something with good detail and quality, you cant ask for any better, so props to you on a wonderfull piece of creativity. This had the Flair I was looking for. Simple work here the shades cameout good the "EXPLOSION" itself was pretty decent maybe adding more effects there would be a plus though. And on the ending note here some good visual here with this art piece, some things could be better as stated, but overall this was actually notbad at all, and i do look forward to seeing more of your work.

Now sometimes with these kinds of entries and whatnot you could use some help, And I think you could use some ideas that would work with this submission, So here are a few thoughts on the subject. Giving the explosion more brightness and some reds in there for a more overall effect would be a great add-on.



And so here we have something interesting and differant, this was petty cool, it does show off some good artistic skills, but also at the same time it could use more effort and so on, So good style here keep with that effort. because it really does look great. This one was nifty kinda scary at first but still neat, the "TONGUE" really came out well with some decent detail and depth, I am thinking too greenish all over but maybe that wa the intent. Not sure what else today you have brought everything here today and made a decent piece for everyone to enjoy, there might be some improvments but not much at all. I love to Critique art and whatnot, but you do have a nice polish of quality on this and thats what i noticed, so keep up the decent arts.

So there are a few thinsg about this entry that could be worked on or just touched up a tad, that maybe could be out of the think box, maybe some things that will be different and whatnot, thats what this area is for, so I can help give some advice here or there, Try a few things out. Too green maybe adding other greens and more texture to the color base would be a plus.


Love the use of colors

Now its pieces like this that make me love looking for new art pieces to review, you have all the right elements allthough some areas could be better and some extra effects could be added, I do like the progress you have made on this to really bringout everything. This is a great shot of colors and use of colors I like these types of tones and the character design was pretty impressive aswell, maybe having what seems like "BLOOS SPLATTER" make it splash around more And while it is not perfect i still found a little something to it, so i would suggest some more extra added details here and there, wich i may have already suggested abit ago. So my Overview of this whole piece is that you can polish up a few areas and points.

So this could use some touch ups and I hope you could use some of these ideas, my words of support here would be to offer some new options and ideas that could make this run better, so lets give this a try. Have the red splatter more splatter around, maybe a tad bit of texture in the purples to add more detail to the backround.



Another fine piece of art in the portal, so today is a good day for finding new creations and thats what I have found today, You have a good creative sense, and it shows here. so as I continue onto this piece I just have to say that ist a pleasure to review your work here today. Alright here was something amusing and well drawn, For some reason this seems alot better if you had this done in color, I wouldnt mind seeing just parts of it in color though, overall nice work. What else can i say this was unique, differant and just wildly awsome, there are some art that is great but I like when you can even go beyond the box as you have done here. Finally I have found more decent art-work and i have found some here today with this piece,

The actual art was notbad at all, I like what I was viewing, I do have some ideas for you though, maybe you will take some of these ideas and use them to the best of your abilities. So lets get some ideas across the board. Adding some color or full color to parts of it would be a nice effort and really bring this one out more.


Nice work here

Very nice work here and some nice effort aswell, allthough I wouldnt mind seeing some more effects throughout it was a pretty good piece of work, so keep making fantastic stuff like this. so keep at it. and keep making nifty things. for all of us to enjoy. This is really cool, and I love dragons and fantasy style stuff and you gave this one a nice "ACTION-POSE" so something is really happening here. great piece of art. You have some amazing ideas and that shows here, the effortsof your labor come through and it shows strong with detail, so I for sure am excited for more of your work. I became Accustomed to this style allthough i was not at first, You put a nice little twist on this.

And as this review comes to and end, I still have enjoyed what you have presented here and I can see some possible updates and or changes for the better, maybe some small changes here and there so I will suggest a few possiblities here and there and hope it works out for the best. The "MOON" could have more of a glow and shine and adding some flames from the dragons would also be a plus of effects.


Nice painting

I start off this review and its pretty awsome that you can find stuff like this, theres lost to see and admire, and I do enjoy some detail and love that its abit on the artistic side but then again most art is. but anyways keep on doing what you have been doing. This was a nice painting you have this one titled as "CHAIR" but it has so much more but as for the chair it self the painting style is nice on all this. So that was a good art piece, some areas could be more creative but i do understand the direction with this, it was a pretty good presentation and something differant, so nice work here. and i look forward to more of what you may have.

And while my reviews do seem very positive I thought I would take the time to suggest some ideas, tips and some little advice for some sort of improvment and if not then it was all in good pleasure viewing your work. so maybe some slight Modifications for better improvment points. I would suggest more texture in the backround and those "WHITE-LINES" all around probably could do with out.



And here we have another decent art piece, sometimes entertaining but mostly pretty decent like your style of art and while sometimes this could use more effrot and a tad more detail, its still a pretty decent art piece. and ill be right here waiting to see what you do next. A cool little paining you have here nice colors and overall pleasent on the eyes, nice work here. Your creative styles have comeout for sure today, cant wait to see whatelse you do come up with, and i will be looking forward to seeing more of your efforts in art and creativity. And so this Concludes my little review hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

Here you have a good peice sometimes it fels artistic, but sometimes it could have a few adjustments for some better overall effects, so i hope with a few ideas and adjustments this could be improved, hope to see some soon. but anyways nice stuff here. To be honest I find nothing wrong with this one, maybe only making the canvus a tad larger but other then that its pretty decent work.


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