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Very nice detail

Wow I'm pretty amazed with what you did here on this piece it's very impressive I have always loved the ship and it's classyness the amount of detail you have poured into this is very well done and props to you on that kind of effort. Now I do come with some support ideas here I wouldn't mind you changing out the background grey on grey doesn't reflect well so that grey backround could be changes out for something that works better but I will say this was still a beautiful piece of detail and really enjoyed what you made here but anyways nice job hope to see more of your work soon in this near future

The grey backround could be changed out


Fastleppard responds:

Thank you very much for feedback!

Really nice work

This was some really nice work I love the ruck and comming in at the girl but I'm thinking the lights on the truck could be a bit more shining and more screaming out at you especially the yellow ones on top more brighter since other parts are dark it would reflect very well off the girl. And make for a better outcome

The yellow lights could scream more brighter


TheHereticLocomotive responds:


I'll see what I can do about the lights.
But wouldn't it be strange for the lights to be brighter during the day?

Very creative

And here was some work and pretty creative stuff I like your creatures here but yes the background could use some depth to it just a tad and the lighting off the right side should or could be brightened up more then what you have it but other then that this was some decent work you have going and I'll keep an eye out for more

Some lighting effect on backrounds


dogmuth-behedog responds:

Thanks :D, yep i need a lot of practice in lights and backgrounds.


Very nice work here this was pretty and I like the color on each side you have done well with getting the face just right cause it does look like Robbie but must say this one is a fave of mine now and was nice to review this as for improvments not sure it's very good as is. So nice work all the way around

Nice work maybe more color on the hair but not much


jeriv responds:

Thanks! I'll look into color balance in the future, i tried to be a bit conservative with the color here to match the other portraits, so that might be why you feel it needs more, and you might be right. Either way, thank you for the compliments! I appreciate it!


So like the other one this too is bland and does need a touch of that detail I am referring too much needed as in backrounds the character doesn't seem finished and back to backrounds for a min needs a base color at least but not a white background just something a little more then what you have now

And once again some suggestions were made for improving on this in the initial review


Pretty basic

So this is pretty basic the colors need to be meshed in and tones in and the background could use some work here so in that sense it's basic but it's not bad you just need to ad a little depth to this with those suggestions I have suggested. And see how it comes alive other then that it's notbad of an entry

A few suggestions for improving on this more color tone some backround work as well


Love the color

I really love the color here the amount of color and color in general that really pushed this to the next level. It adds style to your work and unique-ness to your work you put all sorts of color in here in all different places and that's what really drew me into this piece as a whole and it's an amazing piece of art work. Now not sure how we can improve on this beautiful piece but maybe some backround detail maybe some stars a moon or another base color to it but just a little something will increase on the quality here anyways nice job here I look forward to more from you in the near future

Some tiny bit of detail in the background


SourCherryJack responds:

My thinking on that is the addition of stars or moons would detract more than they add, one: by turning the drawing into a star and moon drawing which wasn't really the idea behind the drawing. And two: the stars or moons, or any other sort of other object(s) wouldn't add anything to the actual drawing itself and would potentially serve to pull attention and clash with the focal point.
I would think the way to go with adding a background would either be a solid black, solid navy blue to push forward the bright colors of the circles or potentially washed out darker cool colored circles like pale blues and violets to maintain the continuity of the drawing as well as accentuate the purpose.
Thanks for the thoughts.

Very nice character

This one kind of reminds me of a smurff of some kind but this was pretty nifty I'm kind of sad that you left the backround just blank you could have done so much with it like at least a base color or some backround scene that shows off the world from where this character comes from or is arriving too

Some backround work


Very detailed

And here was something detailed a nice creature that came from some distant planet I could see you having more dripping comming down and then the backround color is the same as the creature maybe have the backround a base solid color different from the actual creature just something different

Different color backing


The art is nice

The art is good here very good rich in detail nice comic style aswell not too many frames here but I'm thinking so things stand out even more maybe we could get the frames or borders as some like to call them make them more thicker even adding some color to them would be a plus on things. Just something

Possibly but maybe not. The borders frames could be thicker


DaveRooder responds:

Page 2 : https://mavruda.deviantart.com/art/A-Hope-page-2-640791711

There's page 3, but things at that time went somehow bad to me and never made to finish it.

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