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This seems like something my best friend would do to my coconuts when i piss her off heh. The green color of the girl was nice and kind of reminded me of a female anime Hulk. I think that the background was good choice given the setting and story you are trying to tell here. I think more shadows are needed in the overall piece to show the actions of her swinging the sword and maybe more lines of emotions around her face. I love the motion you have given her body and breasts. Nothing like a nice pair of bouncers. And with all all that said I will not bore you any longer and will wrap this up, but on my ending notes here I do have to say and comment thats this was a decent piece here interesting and even entriging, so keep up the good work and always make things better with as much effort as possible. anyways nice job.

More shadows and actions around her swinging


Rennis5 responds:

Solid advice, thank you :D

Very nice

This was a great drawing or sketch, the line work and shades alone are most impressive and love the pose even its like you have captured a nice drawing here, now for me I would love to see some sort of back setting or scene in the backround, just an idea though. keep up the great work.

Some backround work.



And this also tells a story of love and trapped and not beaing able to reach his love? ok maybe not I was reaching on that one but still this was a nice piece of work especially for Flash, I would love to see some shine or glass reflection more on this, it was a delightful piece.

I would love to see some shine or glass reflection more on this


Nice concept

Interesting ideas here and nice concept. I am okay with the black and white only coloring as there is dept and shadows used with the light. I just think more light is needed in certain areas and her body positioning needs a bit of work. Maybe more turned in her abdomin area and more light coming off this dub friend of hers. Her face is great and her lips are sexy. nd so my ending note with this piece is that it has some good value to it, it has some artistice style to it, and i pretty much enjoyed what you have presented here, hope that you make many more great stuff as this one, it was top notch in my book. So try and get some more Extended efforts in this one. anyways nice work here.

More light coming off her friend dub and maybe more background details but the plain grey does work with the color scheme here.


GhoulKitten responds:

Thanks for the review! And I agree, I could’ve taken a bit more time with this one.

Very nice

Wow this is nice I will ad this one as one of my faves, I like the black then the white backing but then seems like it needs a black border again, this is a very creative character kind of reminds me of some old poxnora characters of that game same name but anyways nice job here.

An extra black border on the edges.


the Power of Chi

the Power of Chi you represent it well in this drawing I think this is missing only one thing thats some type of patteren in the backround or some design representing the "the Power of Chi" maybe even text in the backround anyways nice work here its most impressive.

Some patteren or design in the backround.


Nice logo

So this was cool a nice logo I like the black and white stuff you have here but wouldnt hurt to have some color in it aswell, maybe even throw in some borders aswell, but thats just me you have a nice design and good logo here hope you make more of these.

Ad some color and some borders.


Very good

The show Steve Universe has always been one to enjoy, a relaxing funny cartoon. You captured that relaxed feeling here with the way the female Garnet has her facial expression and hair flow. The colors are spot on for this background and the bubbles around her are pretty neat but id make them a bit more consistent in flow and size as they seem a bit rushed here and there, And so my ending note with this piece is that it has some good value to it, it has some artistice style to it, and i pretty much enjoyed what you have presented here, hope that you make many more great stuff as this one, it was top notch in my book. So try and get some more Extended efforts in this one.

More details in the purple bubbles to add some consistentcy maybe make them less blurry


jiasenART responds:

Hi, thanks for your detailed in-depth comment.
The bubbles you mentioned are not rushed. They are intentionally made blurry, scattered and less detailed to create an illusion of depth to make her face more into the focus. You can say it was a bit dramatic on my part. I often mix detailed features with less detailed erratic features to give a contrast of focus in my piece. I hope I explained the reasoning properly.

Very beautiful

And this was very nice the texture is deep with greens giving that realistic feel of in a real forrest, I would ad some things like some bugs crawling up the tree maybe even a snake hanging from a tree branch or something, just a few ideas that could improve on this. anyways keep up the great texture and deep detail these are nice.

put in some bugs, snakes and other creatures.


Very nice work here

This looks cool almost something out of minecraft so you did give it that realistic feel from a far I would like to see some sunlight comming out from the back end and shining on the little lakes on the isle, that would be a nice little change to this fine piece of art you already have here.

A burst of sunlight to shine on the ponds and lakes.


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