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Another interesting piece you have

And here we have another interesting piece its very whats the word well it needs more attention, more detail more color, adding more color all the way around that actually mix would be a plus aswell, but overall this was actually not a bad art piece but it for sure can use some improvements.

Some improved "FONTS" would be a nice change here, And pick colors that mix better.


Interesting piece

Well this one was pretty strange but still interesting aswell, I would say you could touch it up a bit, It could be cleaned up a tad not a whole lot but it is in need of a bit of clean up, And everything seems bunched up together maybe space them out more, but anyways try a few things out and see how you can improve on those things.

some small clean up more spacing out and more color ofcourse.



How very wonderful to see an orginal idea here executed in a great way. The bright lights bubble colors are really interesting and give a great star effect in the choice of that yellow and shines/lighting. The character sitting creating these bubbles seems to be having a delightful time and it gives you a sense of calm when looking at the happy expression the character shows in their eyes. The little fish inside this large bubble seem to also be very happy and having a great time. I think they want to join them in making the bubbles. I love the large bubbles effect, it really gives you a sense of dept in the art and the coloring of the blues go well with all the yellows. The nebula type effect in that background is also visually appealing. Maybe make the stars in the background a bit brighter, they seem a bit dim and lost with the rest of the artwork but it is still beautiful non-the-less, So these types are a good style of art, and I like the effort you have put fourth in this and the whole idea and concept is even nice, I Applaud you and give you Kudo's on the progress of this fine piece, really seems like you have done a welldone piece here, and i was impressed. So with all that said its almost time for me to end this review, but I will say that it was a pleasure checking this piece out it brings alot to the table.

More bright stars in the background, the smaller white ones, just a bit more shine to them.


berserkbrandee responds:

Thank you for the very in-depth review! I really appreciate it and I'll keep in mind making stars in the background brighter in my future pieces! :)

This was notbad

Well this was notbad I like the style you have here it was very good work, and you have a certain style about it with some decent detail here and there makes it very fun to see whatelse you bring to the table, but based off of this it was a very nice piece of art.

No need changes on a creative piece.



Well this was pretty artistic in its own way mainly all the different colors you used, some backround work would be great, and some texture and even shine in hair would be another idea, but besides that this was pretty good stuff, also make the canvus much larger then you can show more detail in the character.

A few things that could make this better are some shine in hair more texture in all the colors, some backround depth and a larger canvus.



A great fanart of a beloved character. I won't spoil what happens in the game but it is always nice to see her again after what occurred. I love the shines and glows you have coming off her face and that small expression she has shows her peaceful nature. The subtle rose pedals used as a background with a wind effect in her hair really flow well together. She seems to be caught in a breeze and just being tranquil about it all. The hair is the best part about this because it has fine details and a variety of different browns that really make it all become a focal point. I really like these types of art pieces they are somewhat different then the mainstream that comes out of the portal, but they add a little more and with a twist. Never like ending reviews when the visual is pretty good, but anyways before I do end this I do want to say this was a pleasure of a viewing. I love the Polished blend you bring to the art table here.

Maybe some sparkle from the eyes, it is top-notch work



So this was nice and notbad at all it shows a lil story with him singing to the crowd Ijust wish you had this on a larger canvus so that there was more of a visual to see on more details and such, but really this was some nice work you have presented here for us, I do like it indeed.

Make the canvus much larger allow for more detail to be shown.


This was nifty

Well this was an interesting piece, the character is notbad, the font could be better I know its not a font maybe use a font then nice use of color here and its kind of abstract and such, but anyways nice work you have done here and I look forward to even more from you.

A better improved font or new one.



This really captures the NES and Game of Thrones spirit. The cold coloring used to highlight the winter aspect of this piece is very subtle but apparent. It makes you understand that winter is "COMING". The Ludwig character seems at peace and the Koopa type statue at the top is very acurate to his characters overall look in the games. I think this is creative for blending different worlds and genres together for a calm and beautiful piece of art. Decent art piece with saying that this was a good piece of artwork, this shows some good effort on your part, and you really bring things together very well with this piece, There might be some recomendations later but you seem to have it down for the mostpart. So now that most of this review is complete, I do want to say that I adore your ideas here simple or complex they make for some positive things.

Nothing, keep up the good work here, very good stuff


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