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Nice work here. Some nice effort here to give this a realistic feel about it. It really does look like its jamming in a city scene. You added some decent effects to give off just the right feel of something really going on and that's what I liked here.


Nice work

And here is a nice life the shades and shadows are looking spot on and reflect off the wall well so nice effort there. Maybe some better texture would be nice but overall it was great. So keep up the great work.


jhonatan520 responds:

Thanks! I've been using blender for about 4 years and I still feel like I'm a beginner haha

Nice detail

Very nice detail on this awesome piece of art here. You have outdone yourself in volumes here and the talent shines well. Wouldn't mind some background detail or some backround city or forest scene. Anyways nice job here


Nimerion responds:

Thank you very much :). Actually i've been a bit lazy about the background XD


Awesome work here this was a great character with some very not CE shades and texture and seems to flourish with color. A great piece of art if you ask me and hope to see more of your work especially if its anything like this.


draneas responds:

Thanks! Sorry but what do you mean with CE shades?

Not bad

Well this was not bad. The drawings are well done and show massive detail. And you give us different views and such. Only thing I would change up would be adding some color maybe just a little piece or maybe a larger portion. Anyways nice work here.


Another fine piece

Well here was another fine piece. Nice effort nice detail I wouldn't mind some tie bits of color added though even if its just a little bit but anyways nice work here all the way around. Hope to see more of your work soon.


DragonKeeper345 responds:

Thanks for your feedback, i appreciate it.


Now here was something different I like the blue touch here and some really good texture this one is simple yet rather complex and I like what it tells like a story almost. No extras needed here maybe some sunlight shine


DragonKeeper345 responds:

I just found out this morning that I was too late. The deadline was march 25th. I still liked working on it though and I will plan out the next one a bit better.


Well everything about this is artistic nice style though I even like the little detail with the borders and basicly just the little things here and there all a positive thing here.



This one here is very nice work and a great piece of artistic talent nice vibe coming from this one great shades and color tones. Wouldn't mind some more shines and sparkles too it. Anyways nice work here


RadiBits responds:

Ahh yeah, I probably could have added a bit more sheen to the armor, I was just afraid of bombarding the viewer with too much of it and drawing the attention away from the face. Thank you for the review!

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