Smooth artwork
And here we are with the awsome "SOFT" colors you like to use and all, you even left an open text box for something, now for me seeing this for the first time, i would assume he is saying, "WTF" or maybe something like "WHAAT" or just something really crazy since it seems like he is yelling it, now back to the colors, i love your use of colors on this and all of your art, just very soft and smooth as i like, and the character i dont know of this character but its pretty good, with you showing some good character details and really bringing the character emotion since he is yelling and all that good stuff, also love the backrounds, almost reminds me of the newgrounds style with the rainbow blast thingy, hehe, anyways once again you have presented some very nice artwork, my fave part about this all is the smoothness and soft colors that you have presented here, in really making a nice piece, So hope to see more of your work as you make it, and good luck on your next entry.
As for this one i thought it was all alright, as for improving maybe fill in that text, and all but besides that it was just right if you ask me.