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Love the light

Now this is neat, this really reminds me of a "CANDLE" lit up in the backround and the light is really reflecting off from that and somehow you got this as of a result? heh i dont know really but it resembles a candle lit up in complete darkness you seem to have captured that perfectly somehow, i really like that, as to improve on this? well maybe some outer lights around here and there, maybe even a lit up border somehow, but not sure how that would come about, but regardless this is pretty impressive so i enjoyed it and will checkout your other stuff soon, so good luck on your next entry, and may the "LIGHT" be with you

add some hidden backround lights or even a lit up border or frame


Oh wow i love it

Wow this was really neat, even abit dark i thought but wow you have really impressed me with some awsome texture and so much detail, i went ahead and added this to my faves list so props to you on an awsome piece of art here it is as i would call it "BRILLIANT" I love your fine detail like the hair, and also props to you on the little glow effect in the backround, that was a very nice shot there, I did however think the "BLOOD" could have been much better, maybe make the blood more "THICKER" well its just an idea anyways, well hope my review helped in anyway, regardless you have some awsome detail in this, keep up the good work

As explained some thicker blood would be nice, just an idea though



Now here is another nice bright one from you thanks for making the request, and glad you listened to me, now this one you have here is pretty differant but i still like it, and i do see what you mean about the eyes and mouth, the "EYES" have a really neat look to them, might have been nice if you put a little star in the middle of the eyes or something to give it that more eye look, but overall it does look pretty neat, and as for the mouth maybe give it some stars or shapes that make it look like teeth some sharp ones, heh just an idea anyways, but all and all its another neat pic with the neat brightness and awsome colors i liked from the last one, feel free to request a review anytime and ill be glad to review any of your work, so i look forward to more of your stuff soon

Well like explained, the eyes could use a more center points, and the mouth could use a teeth type of thing.


Shikhs responds:

thanks man thanks for the review

Love it needs color

WOW now this is cool, i really love checkerboards and chessboards, i have done a few myself, and this was pretty good, it could really use some color though, red and black or something like that it would really present itself much better allthough the fans seem to really like this, or what you could do is add some color in the backround only that might make for something differant, im also thinking it would look nice with maybe some chess piece or even a checker piece, i like the faded paint you gave it, but again it needs color to really bringout the image alot more, so as explained maybe a falling chess/checker piece would be a nice touch, i dont ming the black and white but atleast ad some color

add some color ofcourse even if its just a part of the image, then you could add some props in there like a checker piece and or a chess piece


Oh wow

oh wow this was really fantastic the reds have a deep colour, and then you added a nice shine to the reds in the right places, i also love how the bottom cape atleast i think its a cape, tails off it was a nice little feature you have, and now for the "CIRCLES" that was a nice effect making it a more uniqie image here very neat and deep colors all around really made this into a fantastic piece, overlooking the image several times theres somany nice effects from the circles, to the deep reds, and the mask and no head, it was just awsome and i had a pleasure viewing this, i plan to checkout more of your work.

Improving on this would be hard as you already have alot of great stuff so i would leave this be, anyways nice job all around


Awsome use of color

wow and awsome on the use of colors here, you really gave it a glowing effect that cameout well, and i like how you gave it some sorta brightness or some glow effect along it, i really wish you had a larger "VIEW" of it, and as for the design itself its abit on the plainside but its notbad, i do however like how it almost looks like you have your signature but its probably not unless im wrong, but still you have a nice design here though and the colors really shine through the brightness so really awsome job.

How to improve well the onlything i could see on this one would be to make a much larger design more waves and shapes and also a much much larger viewing area "CANVAS SIZE"


Shikhs responds:

thank you :)

I love it

Wow this is very neat, the penguin and the man riding it wow i have played many games with creatures and never thought this idea would come up, but here you have presented us with a unique and very creative one, so props to you on the creativity of this, and on top of that you have a great use of textures colors and design, i think the onlything that really bothered me throughout this whole piece was that its all too "BLUE-ISH" now i know its a cold and ice place but it all is the simaular color maybe if the penguin was a differant color maybe even an orange or green it might help focus on the creature more, well just an idea there but overall you have a "FANTASTIC" art piece here, and i am looking forward to more of your work.

Change the color of the creature a red, orange or even green might help put more focus on him and away from all the blue you have


Now thats impressive

Now thats an impressive weapon, it has all sorts of appeal and just stands out very nice work here, i especially like the "BLADE" on it, its great for killing when out of bullets i suppose, but for the mostpart its a pretty good idea of a weapon, i like it, I do think you could have presented it on a more "LARGER" canvas to show off the more detail of each little point on the weapon such as, the gold trimming atleast i think its gold, and the logo, anyways great piece here

maybe make the canvas abit larger to see more of the detail



Wow this was pretty amazing, i liked it i reall love all the assortmant of colors and such, you really made this standout with some bright and balanced colors, i have added this one as my fave, just love everything about it, from the twisting stars to the balanced colors, so very welldone on this one, if anything can and could be improved on this i think it would be to add some borders and frames, and if you know me i tend to suggest that alot but for this one i think it fits very well, you could have some sorta coloered border all around the edges or some fanct frame with stars and such, well just a few ideas that may help in your next piece of art, untill then keep up the awsome art work

Improving? well as suggested some colored frame and or borders would be nice, something that accents your main piece.


Viamede responds:

thaks for the review, however i never use frames.

Awsome effects

Wow i was looking at this and thought wow there is alot of nice "EFFECTS" you have in here like the blur effect from the backround grass and such, also the close up hand, and then again with the moon in the distance. these little things are what really get me enjoying these types of stuff, so props to you on an amazing effort on adding these effects that really bring out the art itself, I could see you adding just one more item for the backround maybe a dag or ball in the distance just something in the distance that is random but just gives the backround abit of life, now as for the character it was well drawn. and you have done well on the shades, they seem perfectly placed and makes it feel like you are really here, anyways nice job all around on this

How to improve? well add some random prop or character with the same blurr effect just for that extra touch on this


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