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This was cute

This was a cute piece you have here she brings off lots of cuteness and there's nothing you need to change here you covered all the bases and put in some nice energy here so very nice work and nice art detail here keep up the fantastic ideas

No changes on a beautiful piece



Ohmy what a great piece here, it just draws you in with all those colors and details and effects...the nebula and mist inside the hair is a original and unique touch on filling in color by giving it a background-fill instead. Those purples and blues with the stars and nebulas really pop out and make you feel galatic and at peace. She seems sad or maybe she is thinking. The top part of the hair, the details lines of the hair needs a bit of a polish, just more textures inside to showcase it is hair rather than that solid look. The background with the bright stars and tiny stars is great. I love space and scifi so this one really made me happy. Good job and keep it up. So you have an interesting piece here, there could be some cleaning up and maybe some changes but thats for later, but from what you do have here its a good start of something pretty interesting, so keep up with that. because we the fans love your work. Alright so nice piece here, and its always nice to find things like this in the art portal, you have shown some decent details that jump out at you so nice job here.

More hair details in the top part of the hair maybe add some textures but really this doesnt need much changing it is great.


sylvrn responds:

Thank you!! This was a really nice, well-written review; thanks for taking time out of your day to write it :)

Love the use of color

This was a very artistic feel of this art piece, I really love what you have done with the "BACKROUNDS" you really have an eye for detail and the color themes in this are very nice indeed, so nice work all around I think as a form of improvment you could ad some frames on the edges but ad some random colors to reflect the main point of focus. but a nice piece of art here.

I think as a form of improvment you could ad some frames on the edges but ad some random colors to reflect the main point

of focus.


Nice black and white

This was really cool I do enjoy the black and white style here I think you should ad some "COLOR" and I think by adding color in the "EYE" like a deep red that would make this whole piece look alot better, but as it is in black and white its pretty good too.

Make the eye red or another color so everything stands out more.



Now this is an amazing piece very artistic very amazing I really like what you did here even that "BACKROUND" is awsome and a fantastic piece, love the colors you used they work so well together and the "DETAIL" in the face itself are si detailed, so props to you on a beautifull piece.

Some yellow frame or borders would be great here on this piece.



Well God is good, but this needs work. I like to find the good in all artwork and there are some positives here, but I think just writing some nice creative fonts on a background with a heart is a bit lazy. You could put more effort into this with wild colors or a nice draw out cross, maybe a celtic cross to give some details with the regilious factor remaining. I understand the main thing here is the message, which you have gotten across very well....but maybe a bit more art instead of text next time so you can showcase your drawing skills. I tend to like these kinds of entries more then others because of the style that it is, and because of the vibe that extrudes out from these types. Now what can be said that has not already been said, You have a very nice Polished blend of creativity here, you show the effort and the talent on stuff like this and just gives the viewer a sense of pleasure.

Less use of a font and background and add more images to the font


Very detailed

Wow this is really good the hair alone is very well textured it has a very realistic feel to it and the skin tones are really good aswell, the eyes I think could have a lighter color to them, but overall this is a nice portrait almost but still a very good piece of art here.

Lighter color in the eyes.


Really deep

With this particualr piece you really do tell a story here and the "BACKROUND" is so deep and tells more of that story infact this one now kind of reminds me of the ending of "ROGUE-ONE" but very nice art work here love this one, Think I will ad this one as a favourite, but anyways nice job.

Some lighting effects would be a plus on this like with the falling flames, or even the moon you could really brighten that up with a nice puplish glow and whatnot.


Nice theme here

This had a nice theme about it, I love the blues and teal colors and it was kind of an artistic peice with the character, It has a calming outlook and you bring some nice colors to this and I was pretty impressed with what you did show us here today, Great texture on this one.

make more stuff like this you have a talent for the texture and style.



I love the Zero here and the Meta-Knight. An interesting combination of friends here. I love how much detail you put into this, because pieces like this with battles call for lots of details. The shards and pieces from the use of the weapons are a nice touch. I think the only issue here is some of the lines. I think they need to go and blend into colors more and that one brush you used seems to create an uneven choppy detail the rest of the artwork doesn't have so id try to limit different brushes that are too different from the art. The one I am refering to is used for Zero's sword and the edges. It just seems a bit out of place for me. Other than that this is very well done and great work. I love the glowing of their weapons and the body positions are spot on for battle. Now every once in awhile someone comes along with something good here, and I like how you presented it, its not perfect or anything, but it is pretty good and has some nice visual about it, so nice work here on this one, and I look forward to see what you do come up with. Ok so nice work here on this art piece you bring a certain something to the table and it really shows off well, This Radiates an Expression of creativity and unique-ness, so keep doing what you do.

Do not use too many different brushes when drawing the art as it can take away from the piece if it stands out too much.


NovayaCM responds:

Thank you so much for this in depth review, I really appreciate it!! I'll definitely take those things into account for my next drawings. I actually used the same brush for Zero's sword that I did for the entire line art, its just when I increase the size it looks more jaggy, but I've been experimenting on smoother brushes to use for the future.

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