
17,993 Art Reviews

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Very cute

Well I have to say that this one was pretty cute, It was kind of bland because there was not much color and such but it was the early stages of the comic and its always nice to see the progress but I do like it so nice job, good story here it was cute.


Quality ideas

This was some good quality ideas you have here, its stuff like these characters that really make something great and thats exactly what you have done here today, quality ideas, quality story and a cliff hangar ending, and ofcourse all the fantastic details and all those little props you add in here.


I like it

A nice comic here once again I like how this one played out, Well a nice piece of work here so As I have reviewed a lot of your work and seen a lot of changes here and there but you do have some nice stuff that you put through these and always seem to make it captivating and you just really bring it to life so it really has been a pleasure to review stuff like this and I look forward to even more down the road as you have some nice comics here and just have to adore these characters.


Not bad

The lines and brushes you used here for your strokes are very good. I love the coloring in the skin and varietey of colors used to achieve this. The facial features are very spot on and look realistic but in the same way they look like a character. The background is great too and just those darker cool colors with a hint of warm tones makes this feel a bit scifi. I love it all around. And here was something Spiffy aswell as Defined in its own unique way, But anyways a decent art piece, nice effort here, and I really liked it, Andmost of all I love the style you have here, keep it up. maybe a few touch ups but besides that it was notbad at all. this is something I would tell all my friends anyways good day for now.

Nothing I would change but maybe a border where it cuts out like with the same style of the brushes


Very entertaining

And as always another entertaining art comic here, they never get dull they are always entertaining and you always bring some good entertaining value to the front of the portal and for that I thank you for all that you do because these are pretty amazing if you ask me especially this one with the ending you had a good chuckle.


Another magnificent comic

And so here was a nother fanastic comic or part of one anyways these stories come out of nowhere and just bring together all the jokes and laughs that make this just right i really enjoy your work on this comic series, the stories the little fun climax endings and so on, just some great stuff all the way around and Im pretty impressed with your work.



Another good one with some good humor, the jokes i dont know where they come from but these characters seem to pull them out and you have braught them out, and the humor is something that can really drive these you have really pushed the limits with these and you can see it in the design, characters story and humor so very nice work and I like the enrgy you put into these so keep it up, my eye is on the next adventure.


Brilliant piece

Awsome as always you make some good stuff and here is an example of another great episode I have enjoyed this one it made me chuckle abit so nice job there and thats the intent right, anyways keep up the good efforts here as these are pretty fantastic.



This is a great picture for Doctor Who but I do not know of this doctor. I think you did your own character here but his body looks a lot like Tennant. I love the cool colors in the background and how they all swirl together is a crazy pattern. I think the "TARDIS" drawing is acurate and the blue is perfect. I love the lettering and shading you used all around this art The positioning seems familiar, did you use another drawing for reference? I think it is all very good Its always great to see stuff like this in the art portal, and its always nice to find artists that will take the time and push the efforts. But thats exaclty what you have done here and I am glad I got a chance to review this, its a nice style and gives off a nice vibe, anyways nice work.

Nothing, maybe a border with time theme


Amazing entry

Wow this one really caught my eye its the story that really drives these and the humor ofcourse you bring some nice adventure out into these especially with this one and thats what I saw here in this comic today so very nice job here and want to say these are pretty amazing you should be proud of yourself with all the work and detail you do put into these that are quite enjoyble, and hope you keep making us this beautifull comic for years to come.


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