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A magnificent submission

And here is another magnificent submission here you have presented a great comic once again with some brilliant ideas that really come alive the comedy is as always good humor the endings are just as climatic, the characters well just as always funny and vile but thats what makes them who they are.


You bring out the best

And here we are again with another one of your fantastic comics into the art portal these are always a blast to see esoecially with all the exciting adventures you put these characters through the humor is what I have loved from the very start and you have braught it to thispiece aswell, so props to you on a nother fine comic of these great characters that you have graced us with, hope to see many many more of them in the near future.


So this one was another fun submission

And here was another fun submission and very amusing its always great when these characters are at there best and thats what you have here two wild and crazy guys the story was fun even if these are a tad short but hey its a comic, but regardless this was pretty amazing.


A great vibe from this

Here we are and wow I must sy this one really jumped out at you with a big suprise but anyways it was what it was, but thats the thing about these is that I have come to enjoy your style of comics just like you have presented here, I dont know what it is but the characters alone have there own kind of style you really have evolved them into something special glad I had the chance to really see it all come alive.


Cool entry

And here was another cool entry of yours you have here its a fun one this time as these two crazy guys take us on some humor and a wild adventure, and thats always a pleasure love seeing this comic and all its fun series that you really bring them through, nice ending by the way.


Nice entry

A nice entry you have here it is pretty good for this one and I love the amount of detail that you are always adding must take you a bit to put one of these together, love your character designs and again as always they are like two wild and crazy guys, anyways nice work here.



I found this comic series to always be entertaining and amusing love the detail on these and even the script plot of them tend to always bring out some entertaining endings so with all that said nice work here and I look forward to even more from you as these are just great comic submission.


Anothe good one

And here we go with another good entry, never really knowing whats happening next I found these to be great like this particular one, its amusing and you gave me many laughs with this one, these characters make it that much better and ofcourse the detail and art by you makes it great, for me its the little stories that you keep comming up with, always brilliant.


Appetite for creativity

So you have a good Appetite for creativity on this one and actually alot of your works, but you really put out some nice detail here and it shows I really liked this from start to end as it was just a fun comic piece and you did well with it, I even got a nice little chuckle here and there and mostly at the end.


Beautifull piece

Very nice work on this comic series as always you still bring the shinning light to a very heavy numbered comic series and while in some cases some may say it gets dull but not with this one you bring a good punch like a buss racing down the road, you have made me go from this is an ok comic to wow I cant wait fro the nexxt one so very nice job here and will keep an eye out for even more of your great comic series.


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Age 51, Male


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