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So that ghetto mode really was activated lol no but really you captured the element I like the drawing here I do think adding in some color would be perfect though as this was in need of some color but overall a nice drawing her it's a nice piece indeed

Some added color would be nice



Now this was a lovely visual I love the texture that you create with all the paint style here some more suggestions would be add some sparkle on the necklace and I would also suggest more dripping blood from her mouth those are just a few ideas that can really improve on this piece so nice job indeed anyways keep up the great paint style and artwork here I will look for more

I suggested a few additional changes



So this was lovely I really like the side view here and like the texture in the hair I do believe a suggestion you may like is in order here and that would be first of all some sparkle on the jewelry and some background work or design just a few ideas that could really improve on this brilliant piece you have here so nice work indeed keep at it

Some sprakle in the jewelry and some pattern or design in the background


Nice eye

So this was a really good eye I love the color tones here this one looks like a plant style and I think that's what it is I would love to see more glare comming off that eye though just an idea and I think it would be a good idea to really Improve on so just something to think about anyways keep up the good work

Some glare on the eye



And here is the color version it looks good a very nice theme and good use of color on this one I really like the color wouldn't mind more texture in her skin tone but besides that this was pretty nice anyways good work here and keep it up I look forward to even more

Some added texture


Very nice drawing

This was a very nice drawing I could see you adding some color like just parts of color here and there not the whole piece but just some parts to really push some focus point but anyways nice drawing hope to see you improve on this someday

Some added color



I think JigglyPuff is one of the cuter Pokemons so this was a great way to capture the jiggly. His happy face and dancing pose are drawn out well. You have your standard pinks and shades. I wish you used some textures inside the pinks to change it up a bit from the normal colorings. Maybe a few brush strokes for shading instead of full solid shadows? I love the music lettering background, the warping of the lines of sheet music just works well for this character. The microphone is cool too, just so you know jiggly is singing a tune and gives out good context. I really had fun reviewing your work here today its pretty unique and different in its own way, So my Extended review of this review is This was some good progress and I Applaud you on some nice visuals here. Very nice stuff indeed, its pieces of art like this that really draw me to it, and thease show off some good talent you have shown off some nice work here. you have manythings the Desire the Polish and the effort.

Just more textures in your solid colors


SeeStaar responds:

Thank you! I've never had my art reviewed like this, so this was great to read. I'll keep the textures in mind for the next piece; i tend to color these pretty quickly, so I don't think about things like textures on the main figures. Thank you again for the critique :)


As the title says I found this one to be very entertaining the story in this one was very good the art was pleasing on the eyes and the end result on this particular episode was brilliant, so props to you on a fun comic episode once agai, I found it entertaining.



Another dark and wondereful piece of art from you. This is similar to your last with the mouth nd blood red eyes. I think this one seems a bit dark as the hand reaches out and seems wounded and helpless. Instead of just an open mouth and pain, you see suffering as the red and black never end exiting this mouth. You see true horror in their eyes and hope to be set free. I love the black and red, the effects you give the strokes still looks 3D like. The only thing I continue to say is try giving these some kind of background, but the white does work so the blacks and reds pop out. And here we are with some artwork may it be old or new you can never go wrong with imagination and thats what we have off here with. And Finally we come to the end, You have something differant and neat here, it has an interesting look and there was some decent detail to it, there are things that could make it even better but thats for later. So my Overview of this piece is that its a dang good piece of art.

Just adding that background, nothing crazy.


shittingpie responds:

Thank you so much ! your feedback is much appreciated. I am working on backgrounds i'm definitely going to take on board what you've said, but these pieces are old I'm just uploading what I haven't uploaded already. I still have heaps to upload that I've done this year. If you would like to stay up to date and see all of my most recent pieces, you can search for me on Instagram as I'm much more active there. @lerson_murman. Thanks again.

Another good one

And here is another good comic entry and really love the style on this one those characters are just crazy as always, very amusing to all the stuff that get into and such so very good work indeed. I like the flashy element you have and the detail that you ad is always a great touch.


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