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Fantastic entry

Rainbotatoes would actually be interetsing A fantastic entry you have here, but then again it always is brillinat ending on this one always fun to see how you have endings and this one was right up there with the best of them so nice work there, the idea of this one was pretty good and got better as the comic rolled along.


Brilliant entry

Trump lol And here we have another brilliant entry on this beloved comic strip I really should check out your site for more of this because this is some really fin stuff you have here and I was very entertained with this entry so nice job on this one for sure, great character reactions and expressions too.



Okay this here is interesting, not bad, but a bit lack luster. I think you have a talent and you can clearly draw but there needs to be more here to give it some pizzaz. I think there needs to be some glow effects and textures inside the plants and more of a detailed background. It feels like you drew the background and then blurred it away with some trees in front of it. That is fine, but that blurred background could use a bit of glow and more of a mist effec if you want it to have that hidden mist feeling you seem to be going for. I love the main dino itself as that stand out and the details and overall placement of the dino are great. I would use less black lines on all your pieces, try a bit more colored lines OR blending from color to color. It allows for a more modern look unless you are going for the old flash basic style. That all being said, this is still really good because it shows your ability to draw and create settings. So as my Overview review of this Concludes soon, I will say that This really captures the aspect of this piece It is very subtle but apparent at the idea and concept of this submission, And very acurate, and I think this is creative for blending the styles of art and design as you have done here today. You have shown us that all it takes is a Twist here or there, but anyways hope you have enjoyed this Critique.

Just things I mentioned above, textures, more mist and effects to the main background.


Magnificent entry

A starwars theme now thats pretty cool, And here we have another entry to this amazing comis series it always brings out the best of all worlds as you show these great characters always into some wild scene, and the detail that you push on these comics always makes my eyes notice even more so nice work here.


Cool beans again

Wow this was a crazy entry with potato man he is a wild one, And once again you have made some nice stuff here I especly love the characters on this one they seem to always have the most funniest of faces and such, and always upto something very amusing love the detail in this one aswell, I was pleased with the outcome here and it was a pleasent entry.


Indeed some awsome stuff here

Very funny poor gift wow this one was a great entry you showed some good quality and some creative design all through out, Indeed some awsome stuff here, I was impressed from start to finish and you always make the endings so fun, checking out this fun series of yours has been a fun experience and hope you keep making more and more.


Entertaining comics

And all 10 of these were funny good variaty in options too As always you bring on some entertaining pieces of art and it is art because the comic itself brings a sense of detail and art energy but you bring more to the table you bring a certain element that makes this great and besides all that you make this amusing and funny with these characters.



Amazing piece for the robot day thing, this was filled with some action and all the robots and characters even some from your comics so it was kinda nifty, I like all the dteail and color is really nice work, so all pretty good if you ask me, hope to see more from you soon


Great entry

I really love these extra long ones they allow for the story to really take place. A great entry here you really bring out some nice work even after all these episodes or entries I mean, but anyways good work here and keep up that detail thats something that always stands out, When I find your work in the portal I always look for that detailed story and nifty details in the backround. so props to you for that.


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