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Good stories

More pixel yay, So even with these stories being short and part of a comic you really do make them come alive with color or black and white and the characters and humor really does come alive and those are the little things that I really enjoy with stuff like this one and how it turned out.



I love love love your choice of red underwear here for a redheaded girl. You know how to draw a body accurately and with good details. The slight shines off her skin and shades in her body are perfect, just like in an anime. The wink and eyes are great and draw you in to her innocent but seductive nature. She wants to fill you with beer and you want to fill...nevermind. It is a good piece overall and even the beer was drawn in an acurate and well manner. The background is good too but keeps your focus on character as you intended....I think the boobs are the best as you have rounded them out in realistic and sexy way. Well hope you like my Critique of your work, it was an Exhilaration and I enjoy reviewing your art pieces, And I have really come to enjoy art pieces like this, Its art pieces like this that truly amaze me because they bring on so much detail and quality. with a style and unique creativity of there own. This Radiates with Polish and I really like the energy you have put into this, really shows off well.

Nothing really, I mean you could add a border but honestly this is great as it is



Dave became pixel haha thats a great idea So I think sometimes your work is Underappreciated because the work you do is well deserving of so much more When i first found your work it was notbad but over time this stuff is awsome stuff and I cant seem to get enoough of it so very nice work here.


Good comic

Wow this story really gets deep especially with potato man And another good comic entry, Its not a bad one at all some nice detail and the humor is always great just as this one is here love the detail of this though, those characters are just so amusing and all the stuff that happens, but anyways nice work indeed, and I look forward to even more.



Wow this was nice kind of like a promo of some sort, But its a good one and it shows some good wording and a good logo very red ish and seems like people are mad or on the hunt, but regardless this was still pretty impressive, I do like your work here though and hope to see more.


Nice swamp

Well what can I say this is entertaining and trump brings some entertaining elements and while this one had lots of detail I think adding some color to this you should ad more to it all those little details really come out well but its a nice little piece of art you have here.



This is something interesting and good. I think you choice to color this for black history month was a good pick. I love the emotion you captured here, you can see the struggle they had to face building this and the fact the musician is trying to make the entire process more bearable is very human and real. It gives a story and I like when art tells a story. I could see you making an animation out of this work, but I would try to improve your use of backgrounds for your sky and some of the coloring could use textures and shadows. I think overall tho it is a good piece and creative. I think this is creative for blending the styles of art and design, there is a lot here This really captures the aspect of this piece It is very subtle but apparent at the idea and concept of this entry, A very acurate idea and design, you have done here, some very good energy you put fourth into this one and thats what I have really enjoyed about this one, so nice work here indeed, so keep up the interesting and artistic work.

Just some clouds in the sky, effects and textures in your coloring on some parts.


This Sparkled

Cleaning completed haha that was funny, This one Sparkled with comedy a brilliant ending a funny comedy theme going as the jokes are always great in these, but I have to say most of all is that these comics really grow on you nomatter if its a dull one or the best jokes executed but they bring good art style and funny momemnts so nice work indeed here.



pizza is always good Well nice work here you can see how much effort you put through all this and you bring out some decent energy on top of that so that was aplus of things and I really enjoyed you idea here really a great concept for a comic series and with all the entries you have for this one it was pretty brilliant stuff, so keep that going strong.



This is a great detailed piece of art here. I mean, the effort you put into this is amazing. I can see why you'd be comissoned for work. I love the purple effects for the hand, like a magic spell to be cast. The deep purple with the bright lights is just amazing to look at and draws you in first thing when you look at this art. The background has great use of layers and coloring, the blending, the textures, my lord they are all really well done. I love the wind lik effect of the purple mist and magic swirling around the character. I love love the background having something in the distance and corner and not just some straight forward. This is a great piece of art and I hope to see more from you soon. And here was another great find from the art portal, These art pieces keep me enjoying and wanting more especially to review them. So alot of things get me interested but most of all its these detailed and effort pushed forward such as this one you have here. But anyways I wont really drag this one on any further, I Will just say its been a pleasure to review your work, And I look forward to checking out more of your work here soon.

Nothing, this is perfect as it is.


themefinland responds:

Wowza! Thanks a dozen for taking the time to write up a comment this big, I appreciate it a lot and hope you will enjoy seeing my future projects :)

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