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There are things that could be smoother but I will talk about help methods in the help section, not sure if this needs too much work anyways, no art is perfect but you still have something of interest here. you did bring a balance of elements that made this pretty nifty.


Nice doodle

I must say this was an interesting piece, Im not the biggest fan of this style, but I always keep the bias out of my reviews. but you do have my interest with this piece. But there is a story to be told here and this was a nice piece here nice doodle and or sketch, keep up the good work.



Wow this one seems deep, the sadness comes out in the facial expression here. The cold stone like eyes with darkness draws you in to their soul and sadness. You have a unique style here with skin coloring being blue and hair being pink. The small detailed textures inside the hair were wonderful and really brought it more to life. I think the text is nice, but the background transparent shadow for the text reminds me far too much of snapchat text and took me out of the art a bit. I think just try maybe a glow effect around the text next time to keep your theme going.

Improvments to your text background is all you need here.


DirtyBrick responds:

The snapchat thing was kind of the idea. I was in a mood when I did this. I agree though it does look shitty.

Really nice

This was like a "POSTER" of girls and love the borders you made for it even, very soft colors here, and the girls are great but I think you should have added more girls more heros female characters, that would really make it a better art piece and in this case a better overall poster.

More girls added to this would be a good suggestion.


Awsome sketch

I noticed a lot of small things that slowly pulled together something nice here and thats what caught my attention with this art piece. Now maybe making a color version would be nice but this was a nice sketch regardless, but anyways hope to see more work from you soon.


Nice work

Potato man and his own series at this point but the story does get interesting and the other cast hope they come out more, And so you have set things in place and now that is with some interesting things you have presented and in good fashion, and with that said and this one comming to an end, I am pleased with all the outcome on a decent effort and a decent entry.


Something different

Well I have to say that there is something different here looks like a real image but the art style is nice, I am wondering what this might look like if it had some color mixed in there, so not much else here but I love the style here and does bring a sense of artistic style and energy, anyways nice work.

I am wondering what this might look like if it had some color mixed in there, just an idea to think on, and if not its fine as is.


Love this series

So if anyone calls this soft work they are very wrong, I would say its how it should be some work could be done but other then that, you added your own twist, And with flavor if I say so myself. the idea here of all the things not too do is a plus and glad you keep making stuff like that, anyways keep up the good work.



The potatoman series here is always awsome, and this was pretty creative, Now no submission is perfect by any means nor would they win the perfect award, But you did bring a balance of elements that were pretty nifty, And there were some things that you could bring forward that would make this even smoother. but I will get to that later, But sofar you have done something interesting.


Haha nice idea

Now this was something I have not seen much of on all of newgrounds and I have to say you did some nice creative style here, you should do more like this one. Now this entry wont get the perfect award but what entry does, But what it does offer, Is a good balance of what works and some elements that you did bring forward are nice, Now go on and make more nifty stuff.


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