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Very nice

So for some "PIXEL" this was some well done work you cant even tell that its pixel, its a beautifull design and I do think it could use some more shine and sparkle on top of the cannon, maybe the whole canvus could be larger somehow, you could really show off some detail and such, anyways you really have some nice work here with some very good effort and shows lots of talent and energy.

it could use some more shine and sparkle on top of the cannon, maybe the whole canvus could be larger somehow


Wow nice

Wow so I have to say that you really have impressed me with this style here, and shown some real "TALENT" here the model itself is fantastic that shine is beautifull and I wouldnt mind more of a bit of shine on there maybe even the center orange piece to have more of a glow, but regardless of all that this was a beautifull design. would be nice to see this in full force too its a really well done piece.

I wouldnt mind more of a bit of shine on there maybe even the center orange piece to have more of a glow



I think this one right here is pretty good but another piece of art we've already seen from you is okay, but I would like to see more different things other than Luffy. Don't get me wrong, each time you do this it is nice, but I am thinking you should move on now to something a bit newer. I do love the power being his expression and he seems more animated than before, maybe that is just because he is closer and more upfront compared to the first piece you did. The black background with sparks of color and textures around him, almost like a glow, was nice to see and something you often do well with your work. I think overall I did enjoy this piece and to end my review I will say keep this great work up but try to expand your ideas.

As stated above, just need something that isn't Luffy.


Cyberdevil responds:

Well it was a few day phase with this one. :) Don't think I've done much Luffy apart from these. Thanks for the review though!

Very intense

Wow this was a very intense piece here I really love what you did here with the deep texture and depth in the "PURPLE" colortone, its a very creative design and character here and I really just fell in love with this piece, Now ofcourse the backround work could really use some detail some props or some backdrop scene back there, just an opinion and it could be improved with those additions, anyways really nice design here.

backround work could really use some detail some props or some backdrop scene back there, just an opinion and it could be improved with those additions


Really nice

So first off this was actually really good, I am loving the "POSE" here and love the "CHAINS" the chains could have more sparkles and shine glistering off of them, maybe even the bolts too, the character itself was actually really well done, nice lines and just some really nice detail so all in all, you have impressed me with a nice design here hope to see more work from you soon.

The chains could have more sparkles and shine glistering off of them, maybe even the bolts too


Very nice

Wow for a little "DOODLE" this is very impressive, the one on the left actually looks like an older "HOMER SIMPSON" I like the black around the drawing too I think you could make that into some fancy border maybe ad a few more colors in that part of it to really make for a good art border style, anyways you have some really nice work here and this being just a doodle shows off that great talent so keep that up and hope to see much more from you in the near future.

As suggested use that black surrounding area as a fancy border with a few additions to it.



So this was a cute piece you have here I love the expression on the face and those harns really nice I could see you adding some sparkle at the tip of those horns and some added background on this piece would be a real plus besides all that you have some nice talent and it really shows here so keep making some great stuff untill next time



So I don't give many 5 stars but today this one gets it and not just because I love me some breaking bad and not because it's my fave show ever but the crisp and sharp corners and we'll formulated character work. The sparkle on the br and ba could be more sparkly also some other little props could be added to this piece with some nice visual anyways I live this it will go on my desktop gotta change out my desktop image anyways and what better way with this beautiful piece


Really nice

Now here was some nice detail all around I do think you could ad some things like more flow on the skeleton eyes and some extra sparkle on the metal armor of the knight or kind not sure what he is but does need more sparkle and shine those are just some small changes that would really change this for the better but it's also pretty good as is



So here was something different it has a nice style good logo even the little ones come up good with a nice logo here the vibrant colors is really nice I do think a splatter of paint in the upper bland spot or other bland spots would be a nice finishing touch here but besides that this was actually a good idea so nice work here indeed


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