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Well this was a good way to recreate a sprite you've come to love and appreciate. I think the use of the sprite as a foreground and background really worked here to showcase what you've added and how you've recreated this piece. I love the way you've got almost the original coloring done and the way you've smoothed this out, but also kept some pixels here and there to not lose that feeling of it being a sprite. I think the white was okay, but maybe instead of just that white background with the sprite zoomed in, you could have done a kaleidoscope of colors of the sprite and filled in all these white areas with a bit more color and pixels to fit your theme. I think it is good as it is, but that would be something I would change up if I was doing a sprite recreation like this. You put your own spin on this too, in terms of the style and the look of the face. Faces in sprites are never too detailed and pretty standard, but here you've gone a bit further with additions in expression and just layers the character. I do like this one very much and I hope you do more of these sprites from the game in the future. I would add that.

Just limit the amount of white space here and there, maybe use more pixels


Great comic here

Haha the "SANDWICH/HAND" joke is great, very well executed, And here we go another good comic style the stories are just as good as they are today, the art is classic in its own way, and the adventure still as great as ever so these early black and white ones still fun to check out and review, so nice work you have here.


Another classic

This is where you started to ad some color like the "FLAMES" This was another classic original and I like these because they were simple and original the detail was not high end but they were still cool to see the drawings were actually pretty good and stylish, so you do have a nice style and it has jumped into what you do now and makes for some great efforts.



Ok so this here is notbad and notbad at all in terms of the level of details and your pencil work. I think the eyes really draw you in and that hair is very well done in the type of anime style you'd like to see when it comes to detailed hair. I like the facial expression as well and the look of your anime character. I think you were going for a male design based on the hair and facial features. I have a friend who uses a wacom tablet and she says it can be hard to draw with at times, so the fact you're practicing with it, is a good start. I see potential in this piece and I would like to add a few things you should practice for the next submission. I think this one here could use well just a bit of coloring. I am not saying do a full scene next time, but for the next practice round you could try to colorize just the facial features and the hair. Hair is going to be the hardest for you and will take time and detail to match up the color to the pencil detailing. The other factor to work on is trying to get some shines and shades into this. All good anime or cartoons have that shine and that shade element into the work that really brings it together and ties it into one big thing. I think overall this one is here good but just needs a bit more. I think once you are good for colorizing your work, then you can add up some backgrounds with the work just to limit the amount of the white space you're using here. The white space can be a bit lack luster and you want to really make things look like a completed piece in the end, but that is for when you're not practising any longer on the wacom. Good job overall tho as the tablet can be a bit hard to get used to.

Add up some color next time and the build from there and then add a background and shine and shades, just build on this over time each time you practice.



Haha him running awar was a nice executed "JOKE" lol, So this is cool as it always is, the old classic here since it was made so long ago and little to no color at all makes me enjoy it a little bit more, you still have shown some nice ideas back then and it was the creation at its start, anyways nice work here, keep it up.


Pretty decent

Funny comic here, i love the big "FRAMES" on this one, So this was pretty decent these older styles are always pretty nifty and interesting while not having alot they are still pretty good and a nice blast from the past, they could use some color or maybe if you ever did redo these some added color would be cool.


Cool style

Another nifty "B/W" with some animation it may been short animation in this art piece but has some nice flow, I would throw in a few pieces of color just a bit, So here we have some nice work the black and white style is always fun to see I personally wouldnt mind some extra added color but for what this is with the black and white its pretty impressive and you have some nice details about this piece I am highly impressed here.

I would throw in a few pieces of color just a bit


nice black and white

Nice "ANIMATION" you added on this piece, maybe some of the stars can be brighter and dimmer, So these styles are always so different but still bring some sort of unique value to the art piece and it being black and white is always a cool one, sometimes we dont need "COLOR" to be creative just as you have created here so really nice work indeed, make more soon.

maybe some of the stars can be brighter and dimmer



Wow this one right here is soo good, such amazing details and overall effort here is wonderful. This piece here has something unique about it too and great eye appealing things. You don't see something so realistic and practical done on this site. The face you went above and beyond just your regular art form, to create something that can be manipulated and used as even a prop for more art is amazing. You have a creative style here that I really respect. You took parts and your own molds to make something important and creative. You designed a new robot like creature with even a nice friend and that isn't easy to do. This is on the level of creative movie props to me. The amount of effort and the way you constructed this is just something you can't just do and takes real real talent. You even have the comic to back this up and a big story to tell. You can see you are building something here and I cannot wait to see where that goes. The blues in the robot and the gear details were my favorite part. I think overall it is pretty perfect, but with all models, you will need to make more and ones that have different functions. I think you should build on another model and see what you can do with that one, keeping the look, but adding more aesthetically useful things that you had issues doing this time around. I would also maybe expand on the boy more, maybe have him more posable and bendable. Maybe add that metal and make him more rubber like? Just an idea. I think what you've done is great tho and you should keep doing this. I will check your progress in the future and look forward to whatever you create next. I think this is one of the most creative things I have seen on this site in a while and I am looking forward to your progression.

Nothing to change, but you can expand on these ideas and add more in the future


MindChamber responds:

thanks for the awesome review, and love dude, much appreciated. and I definitely like your suggestions. I do plan to remake this robot, and make him way more pose-able. never thought about making a new pose-able version of the boy, but I might now! thanks!

Really beautifull

So here was one of my fave pieces by you, the "TEXTURE" in her stockings is very well detailed, and love the line of shine down the upper leg I would love to see more shine in places and such, but regardless you have some amazing talent and work as always, keep making beautifull art work.

No changes its beautifull.


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