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This was a very good piece you have here love the "COLOR" and "DEPTH" some really intense textures you are very talented and it shows off in pieces like this and as I look throughout your profile of art it just amazes me of all the art style and talent you have so keep up the amazing work and I look forward to much more from you.

My tip might be some borders or frames to make this like a portrait piece.



Wow this one here well this one is one of the better reviews I will be making on one of the better submissions I have witnessed today. I think this one has the most detail and overall look of appeal. The blood on the mouth really is your focus point here and something worth looking at first when you see this. It draws you in and makes you think, nice, and wonder who he was eating before you drew this. The presidential gag you've got going on here was a nice touch, as most of the policital party is a zombie. It would appear this is Biden and you've got his look down as a dead man very well, the eye details and facial shape match that of Mr. Biden and the overall facial expression does as well. I wonder if he was eating the competition? The greens and browns used to create the skin were nice, the texture here was good and strong is variations of color to color, skin rot to skin rot. The eye poping out more than the other was good detail as well. I must say your background was very fitting of your theme and allowed the piece to pop and also flow from the zombie to the background. I think it gave a nice feeling to the piece and the texture gradiants you overlayed on that background worked well with the rest of the image. It helped it flow and it helped give you at zombie doom look. I would just add more blood, maybe splatters in the background to allow for that red to really have more of a flow with the rest of your work, but good job. Overall I would rate this top marks and I hope to see more of this in the future from you, you have some great talent to showcase.

You just need more blood in the background and such, maybe splatter blood all over the background.



Really amazing work, all of your work is really amazing and you have a nice "STYLE" love what you do with color tones and "BORDERS" would love to see more shine on the horns but I understand this is your creative piece, but honestly you have done some amaing work on this piece and others so keep up the amazing work.

Some slight shine on the horns.



Not sure what the process was on this maybe a photo maybe not the pixelated visual makes it look very pixel so guess this is a pixel like piece would love to see more "PIXEL" work maybe different styles of pixel, but overall this was a nice entry even for being a few years old.

would love to see more Pixel work maybe different styles of pixel



Well this was an amusing comic I like the comics you do they are very funny and you get the point across so this was pretty good of an idea I like the little humor from each frame and your artwork is as always great stuff indeed you should really think about starting an ongoing web series with this one or something new but alas this review has come to an end


Really good

So your art and styles seem to always get better the shades are very nice the linework is amazing the improved detail from old to new is really good and shows your talent with this style so overall you have some really nice work some good energy in all this as well very well done but anyways nice work here and I look forward to much more from you



Ok so this one here, well this one is okay and cute, but a bit much in terms of the text and overall look. I do like this one, and your artistic ability is great, but I feel like a bit of editing was needed here and you could have done away with a few things, but even if you did not do away with them, it is still a fine piece of entertainment and interesting that you did your own take on a staff information card.I like the newgrounds coloring you picked out and how the text and fonts all align with the site fonts and styles. I like that you put your own personality into your character of yourself. The tablet on the arm with the pen was a good touch, almost like someone who is ready for an art battle with gear on her like a gundam or mech. The red shirt was nice and how you added that NG on the collar area was a good little hidden gem to make you show your NG apprechiate and fit the theme of what you were creating here. Even the pants have this part going on and I do really like that. The style is ok but I am not sure where this is based off of anymore, because the URL you provided is gone. In my old age, it is hard to rmemeber the old site stuff all the time, but you did capture something very NG. Now in terms of changes that I discussed when I started my review here, I think you just needed to fix the portion of the head cover the text slightly as it blocks far too much to read and that is fine, but I feel you could have lowered the amount of text blocking by a few words or letters here. I also think that you could have added a bit more textures to your main girl as there is a lot of textures going on in the background and a lot of vectors and she seems a bit too clean for that kind of setting. I do like this and find it very cute and would hope they bring back the staff page soon.

I would do as discussed above, just change up the amount of the text that is covered up by her head but it is fine otherwise.


Black Sun

This one here, well this one is odd and interesting and it kind of reminds me of this old song "BLACK WHOLE SUN" or something like that. I do like it and think it is very well made. I hope you also had some inspiration from that. I love the little fire at the top, like something got shot out of it, and the way the colors are black/white in the middle works well. I do find too much white in this tho, you could add clouds or even grey clouds, just limit your white space please. Good job overall.

Add up a background maybe some clouds


Cyberdevil responds:

Black Hole Sun, yeah, now that the link's introduced I'll probably hear it in my head each time I see this. :) RIP Chris Cornell! Don't think this was inspired by the song as I never thought of the surrounding decor as sun rays before, more like explosive symbolism, but now that you mention it...

As it wasn't meant to seem like a sun the idea of clouds also seems a bit weird to me! XD It's more like a logotype you know? Thus blank surrounding. But I shall keep the potential surplus of white in mind. At the least it's definitely possible to work with other colors.


So this was pretty cool a funny bit of two "CHARACTERS" you have here they look a bit "3-D" but anyways a good art style here even the backround was notbad at all you have some good talent and it shows off in this one, I really like your style, I would throw on a border or frame on this, anyways nice work.

I would throw on a border or frame on this



So this was kind of "UNIQUE" in its own way ofcourse the artistic value on this one was very good love the smooth animation that you added on this even making it a great art and animation mixed together, my tip for today is that you should ad more of these kinds and themes, anyways nice work.

my tip for today is that you should ad more of these kinds and themes


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