Sad but good
This one was a good art work here but it seems this one is a bit sad, like the way you have the head positioned on the body of this man, that position screams that of someone who is very "SAD". I feel like the snow is inside the umberalla too. You have all the "COLORING" going behind him, maybe that isn't the intension, but that is what I am getting out of this. I think the white space is okay, but there is a lot of it. I would crop this one and all more textures of the snow or maybe those textures more dark and vibrant in color. I do like the man and the way he looks, even if he is being sad. I think it tells a story here and you wonder what he has been dealing with or will deal with. Overall a good piece of art, not sure why you didn't let a vote happen for this one, but good job and good use of your skills. I hope you keep your inktober going for a long while.
I would use less white space and crop this one a bit, maybe add more snow lines and details