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Cool beans

She is one tough "COOKIE" I like her "BOLDNESS" I like the comic here you really push some nice ideas in this one and the detail is showing off really good, the characters as always a nice touch, and you bring some nice stories about and all together this is some nice web comic you have here, so keep making more adventures in this fine web comic of yours.


Nice web-comic

This was a nice webcomic you have here I have reviewed a few of these now and this one was pretty good love the characters and the different style of art work you have here it all comes together and makes for some nice style of art and hope you keep that effort and energy up.

Just make more of these great comic entries


Really nice character

You have some really nice work here some very nice detail lots of nifty little detail and nice and shiny elements even the backround was really deep in "TEXTURE" I wouldnt mind seeing more glow and shine effects though especially on all the nifty elements, anyways nice character.

I wouldnt mind seeing more glow and shine effects though especially on all the nifty elements



This wasnt too bad for another paper sketch, So for this one I gave 3.5 stars because of the sketch itself and is much more "RAW" artistic value, I would really love to know who all the characteristics may or may not be lol, I feel like you have a lot going on here and could use more detail and direction on where to place characters. They seems really squished together and unable to coexist well. I do like it but each character is a different size than the other which is fine but it isnt very consistant for some of them right beside each other and their placement is off at times like some characters look like they are floating. Id definately try to get this converted to a more digital style with thick ink lines like you usually do and then add up color for more style and a better means to tell everyone apart. I like the characters and I notice some NG ones and ones I am not sure of but overall a nice piece. I also love the one character hitting the other with that key lol I did enjoy it just put more focus on the elements of finishing this as oposed to a sketch and youll have a great NG history piece.

Add up some changes in porportions. Add color. Add ink lines in a digital setting with your art program.


Cyberdevil responds:

I wish I could remember who they were too! XD Not sure if the guy with glasses is NG Staff or Steve Jobs... or could it be a buffed up, more sinister (in the name of competition) alternative you? The dude in the middle might've been gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist, and the CD guy at least is 100% most definitely me! Alien Hominid in the metal mask...? I'm just guessing now. Also I'm pretty sure that key's a flag! ;)

Love it

The "FLAMES" entry lol well this one was nice the ending frame was the best when they realise what really is not fine I think, My suggestion here might be to ad more red flames, So this is a good comic and you really bring some nice design to it with all that you do from story to characters to color or not color but what you bring is some adventure into this whole series with some really nice element and fun adventure so keep doing what you do here.

My suggestion here might be to ad more red flames


Nice comic style

And "LOVE" the fresh and subtle art here, adding more frames would be awsome, So you have a nice comic style here I am always looking for whats next on this web-comic and I am glad you continue to make it and bring out some different adventures in this little web comic of yours, so keep making more and keep bringing on great stories just like this one here.

adding more frames would be awsome



Ok so what language is this? I feel like I need to get out google picture translator and investigate, but regardless it is a nice little addition. Is this a lottery card? I feel like it is but you need to add some $$$ signs into it to imply the winning of money, or maybe the symbol you used here is that sign? I am not too sure, but it does look good and has great symmetry overall. I think the orange and green coloring was good and the line work was good as well, but I wish the lines were thicker and heavy in some areas as the symbols themselves were heavy and thick and that should really match with the lines themselves, especially when you use the boxes or stratch box area with such a large thick line intself. I think that is really your main issue here to just keep things flowing in a nice way from line to line and not make it look like too much of a sketch if you want a realistic looking lottery card feeling here. Overall I did like this one and I hope you'll do more, but maybe an English version for us boys in the USA? Nice job tho.

Just change up your border line thickness to match the boxes and give it a flow overall for this piece.


Cyberdevil responds:

If you read the description you'd know the answers to most questions above. ;) Good point with the winning implication though. The symbol's the official brand - 'triss' being a wordplay on three and clover/slang for money. Don't think a translated version would make much sense, and it's old work now, but thanks for the continued reviews!


Haha funny one the people should probably read the sign, And once again you make another great entry with some suprising suspense and some nifty details, the comic is still as vibrant as ever with an "ENTERTAINING-STORY" to make you want more, and that there is wahy I really have come to enjoy this web-comic you have here.


This was cool

So this was pretty cool, love all the use of "COLOR" the shades are actually pretty good and the "FLAMES" are really good a good entry for "ROBOT-DAY" but anyways nice art piece here I really enjoyed this version and it looks really good indeed, hope to see more from you.


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