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That was pretty amazing and the little "ANIMATION" was really good it made it even more funky then before, you have some really nice pieces of art here I like the style here and was pretty artistic, so nice job all the way around, hope you keep making stuff like this one.

I couldnt find anything to really change up on this.


OrangeWedge responds:

Thank you, really!
I have plenty of things I worked on in the last months I still haven't uploaded.
Stay Tuned


Wow the most "DANGEROUS" place from the looks of it looks like trouble, Wish you had made this one longer seems like these comics are just too short, Another cool submission, I have to say that its refreshing seeing a long running comic here with this one, its pretty entertaining and some good design about it likeble characters and some good adventure that you bring out and about so good character work here. and good story here.

Wish you had made this one longer seems like these comics are just too short


Cool entry

Well here is another piece to this fun filled comic you have going you seem to have lots of these wonder how long it takes you to do one and where do your story ideas come from, I know I said it before but wouldnt hurt to have more frames regardless of all that you keep this reviewer excited and entertainined and really enjoying this series.

I know I said it before but wouldnt hurt to have more frames



Wow this was pretty intense, the "VENOM" character is really intense the texture is very deep and you have some good visual here with all that he is doing I was really impressed with the texture of it all anyways hope you make more villins and heros as some sort of a series of them or something, anyways great stuff here.

hope you make more villins and heros as some sort of a series of them or something



Ok so this is another one of the times you will reuse another older piece of art to go with a new idea and create a new submission. I am fine with this, but only in terms of improvement and not the way this is striking me. I think this one here is a less granded piece than the first one and lacks a lot of your original flare, like the text work you always do youreself, here you have a basic font from any software program you just wrote in, and while that is just fine, I have grown acostume to your original style of making your own text. I don't think you should lose that in your work. I think if you are always making your own text or font rather, you should stick to the because it makes us aware that this is a "CYBERDEVIL" art piece and brings things into perspective on original work. I would love to see you redo this one with your own text and style and maybe not use the same characters are before, but something you design yourself. I know you wanted to make something involving "SAM AND MAX" but perhaps you could create your own duo to fight the justice of the world? Just an idea, but I do like this piece here, the spiral like blue/black background is good for a cover, and the characters are spot-on in terms of fan-art recreation. Okay overall.

Add more of your originality to this, your own text, your own characters, etc


Cyberdevil responds:

Agree, the font in particular's really basic here, and overall it's pretty bleak and boxy... but at least not so much white eh? ;) I'm not sure why I went for Sam & Max fan-art considering I've barely played the games, but a retake on this might be fun... will consider!

very nice character

So you have a nice character here and the little "ANIMATION" you added on this was really cool, the backround was pretty solid aswell, overall a nice piece of art here with some nice animation it all seemed to come together very well, so keep up the fantastic work.

I really found nothing to change on this piece.


Very artistic

This was very "ARTISTIC" you really built up the "EMOTION" in this I think all this piece needs is some frames and or borders, like it could be a gallery piece, but besides that this was really nice artwork you have here, and hope to see much more from you its a beautifull piece indeed.

I think all this piece needs is some frames and or borders, like it could be a gallery piece


Nice bike

So this was pretty cool and the bike was nifty the neon could be glowing even more especially on the rims of the bike but other then that this was a really nice draw you have here brilliant piece of art work here hope you make more slick designs such as this one.

More glow on the neon



Where is the art going? it is so whited out. I mean, I see something "GOOD-HERE", but it is soooo faded! The texture details are almost whited out here, they seem lost in this. I wonder why you picked to make it so much white covering it up and overall masking the details? I think you over did it on the amount of whiteout here, but it is an interesting piece. This is very abstract as you say, but things are just so subtle and hard to make out. I do like the texture effects you've got going on here. The way it looks almost peace like, like sand inside a snowstorm. I wonder what inspired you to try this out? I love the overall feeling you get looking at this as well, like you're lost in a dream, so that part works out well for you in terms of the look. I would have changed your brightness/darkness settings and made it a more darker and maybe fixed up the contrast inside this one. I think you have really good ideas and you're always trying things, and that is something I like about you. You're different and edgy and for abstract this does work well. I think you were using the darkening brush in this as well and that did help you in some areas, but overall it was good to see something different from you. I would keep trying this out and next time do something that isn't white?

As stated above, this is far too white and faded. Try to get more darkness and less white next time. Even try playing with your image settings.


Cyberdevil responds:

I guess I like white. :) Bright colors. Haze. Not sure what inspired me anymore, but I like the impressions you got from it! Lost in a dream sounds particularly nice. Might've been something like that I was going for.

Wow beautifull

First of all I love all the color used here, im an instant "FAN" here you have captured the color and emotion of this whole piece, I do think you could have had more lighting come off the top of the helmet and have a glare off of it, but anyways really nice work here on this piece.

I do think you could have had more lighting come off the top of the helmet and have a glare off of it


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