Okay this one here, this one will be a fave for me as I love a good "CLOWN" and this one here is very sinister and happy and I love that kind of clown LOL almost like he is evil and wants to take your soul or just candy or maybe just creep out the kiddies. I think the smile was the best part here as you made a focus of sharp teeth and big mouth to drawn you into a clown feature and creepy atmosphere. I think the hair is similar to that of Bozo the Clown and that is always good to drawn on as it was one of the more famous ones. I think using red for the hair and some in the face is a big clown color and it is good you used that to keep things on the right track, it also gives that more sinister look down for this "CHARACTER". More so the "RED" under the eggs that implies you've crushed or killed something with this egg and the clowns help was very nice indeed. While your last Easter piece was fun and "WHOLESOME", this is sinister and dark. I like that you can do contrasts in work like that with the same theme of the holiday. I also love the egg and the shaping with the text in front. It really pops out that text and draws you into it when you first look at the work. I think tho that the background is a bit too white, I would have loved some hell fire, or maybe a red setting backgrounds, something to keep with your theme and not just a plain white, but still a good piece overall and interesting to see you different things for Easter.
Just add more of a background with that sinister look and feeling, but nice overall.