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Awsome comic series

I love what you do with "COLOR" and "TEXTURE" here, the stroy gets really interesting here, would love much more dialog on this one but it is what it is, Well I have to say that you have shown us som amazing work here and braught out a nice comic series here the characters the props the stylish backrounds and ofcourse the story always brings some kind of entertainment so nice work here on this piece, make many of these.

would love much more dialog on this one but it is what it is



Wow my god this is like your best work yet, the detail, the "COLORING" the ideas, the effort, it is all here. I think making a movie poster is always a great idea when it is something you love or admire. I think the amount of detail you have here is great, from the "BACKROUND", to the characters, to the foreground, to the text, to the shading, it all works and blends into what would look like a real movie poster. The only thing this really needed was a border like in posters and your movie credits. Even fake movie credits that just had your name all over it would have worked out just as well. I think maybe things like "Produced by: Cyberdevil" "Staring: "CYBERDEVIL" and etc etc. It would have made for a good "JOKE" and more "REALISTIC" poster setting. Overall tho it isn't bad and something I do enjoy to look at. I wonder why you don't allow this to be voted on? I would give it a solid 5 for the effort and detail and the ability to tell that it is "SAM AND MAX". I always did enjoy a good "SAM and MAX" cartoon or game or whatnot. I think tho that if you just added a few things this would have been 100% completed. I do love this one tho.

Add up some border around this and add some fake credits to make it seem more like a legit movie poster.


Cyberdevil responds:

Are you by any chance moving chronologically from old to new...? If so I do agree, though man I really hope you're not this impressed with this over some of my newer pieces. XD I do remember it taking an abnormal amount of time though. At that point definitely the most I'd put into any one piece thus far (but I've spent so much more in some of the latter ones). Glad that shows. If there's anything I'd really like to change here now it's to make that lightning a bit less chunky, and good ideas with the name and border, didn't think that far back then.

Nice submission

Haha "EJAX" A nice submission here even if its just black and white and thats ok because it shows some nice detail before any type of color your adventure here is still amazing because its not the color that makes it a success but its the story and adventure and you have an amazing adventure here.


Awsome outcome

Yeah the ending outcome was the best I wouldnt mind more "BLOOD-SPLATTER" though You always have some nice outcome endings especly with this one and it always gives me a luagh here or there, the less color themes ones like this are notbad and they can grow on you, I wonder if you will ever redo these and ad color, but anyways nice work indeed, keep it up. and keep it honest as you always have.


Awsome submission here

This entry really got intense and looks like there will be something gonna happen soon I think, No changes in this one you have produced a solid piece as always, So here was another good submission, this comic is pretty interesting seems like each entry you put out gets better and better as each one comes out so nice job on these, and do keep it exciting as you have been because these characters are pretty amazing and ad character to the story.

No changes in this one you have produced a solid piece as always


Easter fun

Ok this was fun to look at and has those wholesome fun "EASTER-COLORS" and innocence appeal to it all with the chick. I think the chick was nice to put in the corner with the wings coming out, but why are the wings so damn spiky and long? I think you used them to make a background, or this was fire or something different you were going for, but it makes me put my eyes all over the place because the "BIRD" looks like he got screwed up with or born off. I think the "EGGS" are "CUTE" and well detailed as Easter eggs should be, but I wonder why they are so small? I would always make them a bit bigger in width as their oval shape is a bit lost here. The text is nice and clear and have some good 3D like drawing to it. I would have loved more color in the background tho. I love the border around the entire thing as the double black lines seal this in, but it is nice to see the chick pop-out near the edge and see the look, and you signed it "BOB"? Is that your artistic name? I wonder, but it was good to have your work signed because I did like this piece. Overall I would just work on the things I mentioned, but nothing too much to change and it is good despite that.

The background needs more color, the chick needs to have smaller wings, and the eggs could be more oval, but nice work and fun to look at.


Cyberdevil responds:

Haha well my art's just full of question-generating details huh. XD Especially the old ones, to which I no longer know most answers. I think you may be right! Pretty sure the wing breadth wasn't anything related to fire, as we don't have those traditions over here. Might've been to also resemble a bed of hay, or a nest, of sorts - spring/Easter being a time of such decorations. The eggs were more of a small decoration, but could've had those as a bigger focus indeed. As for the Bob, that's my real name. Back in the day I moved between real name and alias quite a bit in my signatures - these days it's usually always cd.

Thanks for the reviews again, and glad you're noticing/appreciating the details! Old art though it may be.

Great comic series you have here

I really like what you do in these comics but would love much more dialog just an idea, So Great comic series you have here, it really amazes me at how well the story takes place and its always exciting to see what happens next, so keep making these great comics I look forward to even more from you, and keep adding exciting outcomes you really have something here.

I really like what you do in these comics but would love much more dialog just an idea


Amazing styles here

I love all the "DIFFERENT" Characters here, I wouldnt mind some added sparkle and shine on there though, Some amazing styles of glistering shine and detail so nice detail you have here on this one, sprite work is always so detailed and the more I see from you like this the more I enjoy the really nice sprite stuff you have here, cant wait for more of that awsome sprite element that you make shine.

I wouldnt mind some added sparkle and shine on there though



This one here was a bit "INTERESTING" but in a cute way. The hole from digging you have coming out of the picture into what seems to be the city was a nice touch. I like the way the hole finds a new place, but why did you call this "JAP" if you dug to China? I think the overall city scape is fine, but it doesn't seem to be Chinese to me. I mean, you lack the cultural "ASPECT-OF-THE-CITY" in your background. I think it could have used some "CHINESE-WRITING" or maybe more cultural stuff that they would usually have there. I like the building tho as they do show the culture with the one tower building and it would appear you added some smog, and we all know that China is riddled with smog these days. I love the colorful sky lines you have going down the background and how it looks like a colorful world and sky. I think overall this is interesting, I think the pipe could have been bigger and not so small, since you are talking about digging a hole here, why not have the pip more wide to give off a person went through it? I do like the story you are telling here about getting to the other side, or digging over to it, but I would have loved to see maybe a person coming out the other end as well. Good job tho and good efforts in your execution of the idea you had going on here.

Add more chinese culture and characters to the background and make the pipe wider.


Cyberdevil responds:

Well there's the temple-like skyscraper in the background right? ;) But you're right. Not much else. I have no idea why I called it JAP either! All valid points, thanks!

Love your style

So as I view these comics I like them but wouldnt mind some more detail in the frame work maybe even a small design here or there would work too, So I Love your style here on this comic, Its really fantastic to see stuff like this always entertaining stuff that you bring to the table and cant wait to see what else you bring aswell, because the element and detail surrounding your characters and story lines is always a plus here.

So as I view these comics I like them but wouldnt mind some more detail in the frame work maybe even a small design here or there would work too


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