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Very good

You "EXECUTED" the joke very well in this one, that "WHITTY" humor is always great, These are still pretty good even if they dont have a lot of detail and color you really pushed the envelope and made a funny outcome and for me thats more important then any detail and color, so anyways nice work here and hope you keep making these awsome art and comic pieces.



Notbad this one was okay and not too bad but it gets lost on me a bit. I see you have "MENTIONED" this is a critter but when I look at the 3 versions you have going on here, I see one "CRITTER" and two, what looks like swords or an axe, and maybe you did this so it can transform, but the other two seem very stiff and more like weapons then a critter. I would suggest that next you do this with the variations of the critter, to keep the same body movement going that you had in the first critter to make it more consistent and shows that the critter is full of life. When you leave the other two so straight and perfectly balanced out, that gives the sense that it is stiff and has no life but just a means of object without a life. I would just keep the same kind of tail movements and head movements from the first one really. I think overall it is a nice design. The decals like effects you have in the middle is nice, almost like a "TATTOO", and the color of the blue is very nice and subtle with the other tones and darkness you have picked out. The way each one has different designs and details was really great to see and shows your range. I would say this is a very good piece but next time, other than the stiffness, I would work on a background, maybe just something of swirls or shapes, because the plain black background isn't too eye appealing and I've seen you do much more with these types of "SUBMISSIONS" so I would love for you to add up a background next time.

Add up a background and add more movement to the other more stiff critters


Cyberdevil responds:

Hmm that's true. Not as much depth in the other two there. They were all alternations on a requested logo meant to look like an alien life-form, but I can see that impression might not come across as well there. I did like the center one best according to how it looked, but agree, not very life-like. Good points! Regarding background though: think of a logo mock-up as a sprite sheet, where adding something behind them would make them difficult to cut out. Other than a plain background color not present in the logo (like green or pink) transparent is usually the best way. Not the greatest for viewing them on-page though hmm...

This was cute

So this was kind of cute I like all the different elements in this one, the moon the baloons and the character, I do think you should ad some sort of "SHINE" on the baloons though that would be a cool idea and mayne some glare from the moon light, these are all just some ideas.

A few ideas suggested moonlight, shine on the baloons etc.


A fantastic entry once again

Was it "COCAIN" as it may "SUGGEST" anyways nice comic, A fantastic piece here and this one is just a part of the puzzle to a bigger part of the story well thats how I see it anyways but anyways I love color so its also refreshing seeing little color like this one, it gives a sense of progress from past to present, but anyways nice work here.


Nice color

So there was some nice use of color in this one I love the star and you can see the little details and nifty 80s themed items I think this could use a color frame kind of like what you did with the back end star of colors but as a frame or border to reflect much more color Wich is something the eighties really pushed aswell but overall you have a real nice art piece here make more soon


Very nice work

So this was some really nice work you have here the blood looks real and the red marks look realistic I think some more added blood would be a plus on things here and that expression on her face was just perfect so you did present it in a realistic form here so nice job on this really nice work indeed and I look forward to to much more from you these study types are nice and show raw details just like you have done here


DocLew responds:

Thank you :)

Nice design here

So this was a nice design I like all the sketchs and such on this and the fact that you used diffrent color was pretty nifty even so nice job there and really nice effort you bring a sense of energy to the table and thats what I really like about this piece so for me this was cool.

I think a colored border or frame on this would be kind of nifty.


Really nice character here

And love that you added a form of border with the black then color, but anyways the shading and visual effect of the character really looks good aswell as some smooth lines on top of that so no changes on this one is needed, just keep making more great stuff like this character.

not perfect but doesnt need changes either.



So this was cool and I like the design you have here some nice animal designs and its liek a little comic you have here kind of nifty and entertaining, love the up to down style and good framework its different and unique, and make for a good piece of art style here. Congrats on the front page

Maybe ad some pins in the corner kind of like its a poster but thats just an idea.


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