Well God is good, but this needs work. I like to find the good in all artwork and there are some positives here, but I think just writing some nice creative fonts on a background with a heart is a bit lazy. You could put more effort into this with wild colors or a nice draw out cross, maybe a celtic cross to give some details with the regilious factor remaining. I understand the main thing here is the message, which you have gotten across very well....but maybe a bit more art instead of text next time so you can showcase your drawing skills. I tend to like these kinds of entries more then others because of the style that it is, and because of the vibe that extrudes out from these types. Now what can be said that has not already been said, You have a very nice Polished blend of creativity here, you show the effort and the talent on stuff like this and just gives the viewer a sense of pleasure.
Less use of a font and background and add more images to the font