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This was cool

So this was a cool piece the dino here T-rex is always cool and you really made it look good love the color shades here and love the backround you really made it look welldone so from me to you very impressive work you have here, hope you make much more of this stuff.

I dont think you need any changes on this.



Wow ok so "NICE-JOB" here because of all the detail and effort you've put into this one. You can really tell you put a lot of work into this piece right here and this piece here is something you can't take your eyes off of due to all this nice detail and artistic effort. I love the use of the "GREENS" for the summer, you've made that the main color and it worked well to establish your theme of summer. I really enjoyed the bunny or rabit you've got in the lower corner, the fuzzy details you've given to the creature was nice and overall made me feel "WARM-AND-FUZZY" inside. The way you do animal hair is a good texture and detailed style that I hope you keep up because I found it more realistic. I like the ping-pong table and paddle to show the summer activties you do and the overall feeling of athletic joy it brings out. The sun is nice with good shading and textures and the overall "TEXTURE" of the piece really come out alive here like it is a summer time party. I think next time try to not have those white parts that you've done, I understand the design you're doing here, but with so much going on, it just looks like you forgot to include something when you do this, like it was an unfinished part that you forgot, and you wouldn't want to make it seem like that, but it is still great even with that part, it was my only real concern, so good job on this one, keep it up and I hope to see more.

Eliminate the white space parts, but that is only the bad part of this really.


Cyberdevil responds:

I'm really not seeing the surplus of white with this one! XD Just the two clouds, which are unfortunately an inescapable part of summertime too... but maybe I could've worked on adding some depth to them too. Making them stand out. Glad you enjoyed this otherwise! You caught the feeling I was going for too.

I love this piece

You really did some nice work here I really love this piece so much that I have added it as a fave of mine, really love the eyes and and just the whole piece as it is and again dont see the need for any changes as this was just artistic from lines to the color, so nice work indeed.

dont see the need for any changes as this was just artistic from lines to the color


Black and white

Very nice this one was kind of a "HOLIDAY" one with ST patties lol So ofcourse this one is black and white its one of the early projects but in some ways this was and still is a better choice because you make it fun allthough some color would still be nice, but I like what you have done here with this one, and hope to see more soon.



Well that was rather simple but "OVERALL" a good piece of creative text or font art. I think the way you made the wording of life is a "BIG" joke is spot on. Life can be a big joke. When I saw the life is a ..... I assumed you were going to say "B". I know a "B" so that reminded me of her. Putting this down on a drawn out paper and then giving it an angle gave this some dept, and made it even more creative, because it wasn't your typical front faced basic text on a sheet. You took the time out to make sure there was a position here and made it nothing too basic. I do like the use of the face inside and beside the text as well. That tongue sticking out to show you just how you find life to be a "JOKE" is nice. It gave it even more meaning and tied it all together with the wording very well. It was a nice little drawing too. I loved the use of the lines and borders inside your texts and fonts. I love how each word isn't the same and has something different to show. The most important aspect here was your using the word "BIG" and actually making it "BIG" so it fit with the very word it is. I liked the shadow effects under each text as well and how you kept that all consistent with each word you used. When you keep things consistent like that with effects, even with different colors, it flows better and looks more organized. I will say that this one right here was creative and it made me smile with the truth even if that was your April Fools Joke. I do want to say that you could have made the text more your style and not something you just write out with a font from any website or app. I know you can make your own fonts and text styles, so maybe next time do this, but keep all the nice effects and the different colors. I would also maybe not used a white background against a white paper page. This is making the page look lost inside the work and doesn't allow you to find where the paper itself is. You did add shading and style to make you see where the paper is, but it still feels lost and washed out with white on white like that. Overall a great little simple piece with a nice creative use of color and effects.

Eliminate the white background parts and try this next time with your own personal stylized fonts.


Cyberdevil responds:

Well in a way the joke's on us: the joke's no joke. :) Glad it evoked a smile, and thanks again for reviewing! About the white though, man, white backgrounds can be useful too. XD The paper's light gray so there isn't so much white space here I think. Wonder if you maybe have a lower-contrast screen.


The ending was the best, these jokes are so "SIMPLE" but are so funny aswell, So I know these are the early ones here but they are still pretty impressive ones wonder if you will ever go back and redo some of these old ones with some color themes or something, that might be an idea to embark on, just an idea to think about though. anywyas really nice stuff here.


Cool original

Funny "JOKE" in this one as always the "SCARECROW" was a good idea, This was a cool original piece of the comic and its classic form I do love this classic form of the series while not the best of details and colored but still showed off some good humor and a nice adventure, so it would be nice if you redid these in color though, anyways nice job.


Nice character

So this one was pretty cool I like the the "ECLAIR" name and phraise it was a "NIFTY" idea you had with that the character design and line work was nice and I like the little details like the cup and such but maybe some extra added backround detail like some chocolate splatter on the back wall but overall this was pretty good.

I like the little details like the cup and such but maybe some extra added backround detail like some chocolate splatter on the back wall



Yes indeed this is cartoony and a nice colorful view shot the characters are fun and theres lots going on it really just jumps out at you with a nice feel about it if anything needs to be changed I might say ad a larger canvus and show even more detail on it, other then that this was pretty cool.

if anything needs to be changed I might say ad a larger canvus and show even more detail on it



I think this one here is "IMPRESSIVE" based on the original idea and concept you've "EXECUTED". I don't often see many men on-top of the cactus holding an umbrella from the sun, but the way you have the sun rays bouncing off the umbrella to showcase him hiding from the heat was a nice original idea I haven't really seen. The way he is sitting on the cactus is nice but makes me wonder if his ass is suffering hahaha, but it does work out well in terms of the concept you are doing here. I do think he is a bit too big for the proportion and size of the cactus, like he should be a bit smaller, unless this is like some kind of mega-cactus. I can see that working on this way in terms of proportions in "SIZE-AND-DEPTH". The sun rays seem to end suddenly in the art, so maybe extended them next time for a more consistent looking piece. I like his clothing colors and the "COLOR-OF-THE-UMBRELLA-TOO", as it seems to be like BEST BUY colors of an employee stranded hoping to be free of life hehe. I think that overall it is a nice little piece, almost like a comic from saturday morning newspaper comics, those one panel ones, maybe next time add some joke line or text above him with a line or witty saying.

Add an adjustment to the size of the character or the size of the cactus as it seems off, the sun rays should be longer as those never generally end, and maybe some text lines with the man saying something comical.


Cyberdevil responds:

Yes indeed, it's difficult to successfully sit on a cacti without certain self-sacrifice! XD All good points, and you skimmed the surface of that long story with the BEST BUY color recognition too! Though I wasn't going for that particular brand. Thanks for the review!

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