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Wow love it

So this one had some very nice and descriptive "DETAIL" I think that center white character could be more glowing also adding some frames and or borders on the art piece itself would make it more like a visual gallery piece, So what caught my attention with this piece of art was a lot of small things that slowly pulled together something nice here. and it all just jumped out at me with your unique style here, you have some good skills and you pushed the limits, so nice work on this piece.

I think that center white character could be more glowing also adding some frames and or borders on the art piece itself would make it more like a visual gallery piece


Haha nice

This one here well this one made me laugh and I did really enjoy this one. The ball itself looks like it is sad, I don't think you meant to give that feeling off but the ball has a look of a frown or just a sad expression on his face based on where you put the ball lines of the tennis ball. I dont much care for the color of the background, but I see why you chose it. I would go for a happier color next time if you don't want the ball to seem sad. I know colors don't sound attached to emotions but they have proven to be related and linked. I would just change that up but good job overall.

Some colors that are more happy


Cyberdevil responds:

Well the sadness was intentional, so I think I went with the right ones then right? ;) It was meant to be both sad and happy, as mentioned in the description, but turned out a bit differently after all. Glad you liked it though; thanks for commentin'.

Very interesting

So this was abstract and interesting at the same time with some decent artistic value here the scene is a bloody one and its some action scene I like the style of art here and kind of reminds me of an old artists that passed away and he did this simular style of art so this was pretty cool, I would love to see more texture in your art pieces.

I would love to see more texture in your art


AdventVoice responds:

I will keep that in mind. Do you remember the name of the artist, this piece happens to remind you of, the one that died?

I will try to add more texture in some of my new pieces. Well after #Inktober.


Haha so great rendition of "RONALD" I could see him going crazy after all these years and he might go on a rampage lol, anyways nice details like the shotty eyes and small details, I think as a small improvment you could ad some shine at the top of his hair, anyways nice portrait.

I think as a small improvment you could ad some shine at the top of his hair



Hail is never fun, I like the added "BLOOD" and love the backround color and detail on these, Onlything I would ad to this submission comic would be make it longer maybe other elements hit him or something funny like that, So another good submission in the series you have here you made it amusing right off the bat the story in this one was really good and made me laugh at the end so you are for sure doing some great things, these characters always have some good adventure and such.

Onlything I would ad to this submission comic would be make it longer maybe other elements hit him or something funny like that


Another Fun one

while I found this one to be "RANDOM" the president theme was decently funny and amusing especially the ednding. here was another submission that doesnt need changes if anything just more backround detail, So this was decent work you have here, very nice style love the adventure they partake in this time and well executed humor this was pretty fun though and gave me some good laughs, so nice comic here and really look forward to even more, so keep making these fun and unique comic series of adventure.

here was another submission that doesnt need changes if anything just more backround detail


Very detailed

So this was very detailed and well made, I especially love the texture and deep colortones, the chains are amazing I think If im going to suggest any kinds of improvment maybe you should have some slight shine on the chains and more lighting beaming down from the moon, but a great art piece you have here.

I think If im going to suggest any kinds of improvment maybe you should have some slight shine on the chains and more lighting beaming down from the moon



So this was interesting not sure what this was "INSPIRED" by but it was a decent character, My small advice would be to ad a shine or sparkle comming off the glasses to give off a nice visual effect there, and maybe more depth and texture in the backround, besides all that just mentioned it was a solid art piece.

My small advice would be to ad a shine or sparkle comming off the glasses to give off a nice visual effect there, and maybe more depth and texture in the backround


Very nice

The "GOD" entry lol a good ending here gave me a chuckle, not sure I would change anything on this one it was brilliant as is, A cool piece you have here, sometimes I tend to run out of things to say with your work because you have so much of it but I Like your work and like your style and your comic is very inspiring material, so nice job indeed, and keep making great entries of this fun series of a comic.

not sure I would change anything on this one it was brilliant as is


I love Pixel

Love this "SCENE" the pixel really comes off well, my only advice might be to ad some shines and sparkled here and there and about it all, I love pixel I didnt always love pixel but what you have here is something beautiful and something that really comes together in a fine form of a beautiful visual so thats a "PLEASURE" to see pixel at its finest and I really like the work you have done here with this piece here.

my only advice might be to ad some shines and sparkled here and there and about it all


trixelbit responds:

my guy, this is like super duper old art of mine lol. Like 8 years ago. My pixel work now is way different from then. Also, there'd be waaaaaay more stuff to improve besides shines and sparkles lol.

I'm glad you like it nonetheless! I just find it bizarre that my old art is getting attention lol.

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